Part 7~ Bully

"do you like him?" You ask while wiping away the milk on you chin. "No! It's just that Felix and his friends are in our school's basketball team, so they are like famous boys. All girls in this school are crazy about them especially Felix." You nodded while sipping your milk „normally Felix ignore girls but you are different„ "oh! Is that the reason I got stared outside the class?" Ryujin shake her head up and down with her eyes widen.

You roam the school garden alone "it's quite huge here than New York" then a group of girls approached you. Jisoo tap your shoulder from behind and she push you to the ground before you even face her. You groan as you sprained your left ankle. "Hey! what's your problem?!" You stand up facing her, ignoring the pain. "Don't you even try to make a move on my Felix, you understand?!" You scoff at how sarcastic she sounds. You didn't want to get in trouble so you walk away from them. You didn't walk far as soon Lisa roughly grip your hair dragging you behind the school is. "Ahh!! Let me go!" You struggle to escape but Rose' and Jisoo grab your hands.

They finally let go by pushing you to a wall. Without balance, you bumped your head, hard. Tears started to escape your eyes but you held back. "Why you son of a--" Jennie raise her hand high, you cover your face because you're scared *obviously then somebody grab her hand. You look up to see a male teacher and to your surprise Felix was there too;) He pull you up wrapping his hands around you. "You four in my office, NOW!" They ran to his office.

"Y/n are you okay?" You nod trying letting him go. He look at you, shocked to see a scratch on your cheek „no, you're not okay„