
"Hua'er....." a soft and gentle voice sounded in the middle of the busy and crowded ZUA ZUA international airport.

"Yes, mom?" A girl with beautiful sky blue eyes blinked elegantly at the source of the soft voice.

"Mommy will go for 6 months so if you need money..." The gentle voice belonged to a graceful, tall, and beautiful woman. The woman was wearing a peach A-line dress from Channel, holding an expensive-looking leather bag. From her appearance alone one would know that the woman was a rich one. The woman's face was beautiful yet gentle with her natural silky black hair swaying when she approached the other party, The woman smiled like an angel and placed a black platinum unlimited credit card onto the beautiful girl's hand in front of her.The girl in front of the woman was as beautiful as her. With her round eyes, white skin, and tall body, this girl was a peerless beauty. The girl wore a plain white Gucci shirt and hot pants looked very casual compared to the elegant woman.The girl had a beautiful medium black hair with a little pink color at the edge of it. She was dressed casually but in a single glance, every single person in the airport would know that she wasn't a simple girl.That rich aura excluded from her body, making her shine like a star among the sea of people was something that couldn't be hidden."Wait wait, mom, ~ I already can make my own money so I don't need this" The girl raised her voice a little as she quickly held the woman's black card with her white snowy hand. Her face looked reluctant and an awkward smile hung on her beautiful face.

"Aigoo alright then. But don't forget to call mommy once a day, don't eat junk food or cheap food, don't...don't...blah blah blah" The woman mentioned a lot of things which the girl, Hua'er shouldn't do for nearly 5 minutes.5 minutes later...

"So..." The woman was about to continue her 'lecture' when Hua'er a.k.a. Tan Hua stopped her in time."Mom! I know! I'm not a child anymore okay? I'm already 22 this year!" Tan Hua stomped her elegant feet onto the shining floor of the airport.The girl's childish behavior didn't match her elegant beauty which surprised quite a few people around them."Okay okay," The woman ruffled the girl hair as she hugged her tight.The atmosphere was fuzzy and warm but it didn't last long until a low yet cheerful voice broke the good atmosphere. "Ehem! Daddy is here too you know? Aish let me hug my princess too!" A tall blonde-haired man with the same sky blue eyes as Tan Hua's suddenly appeared next to the mother-daughter pair and forcefully snatched Tan Hua from her mother's embrace.GYUUTTTT!!

The man immediately hugged Tan Hua like he was hugging a teddy bear. "D-daddy!!! Let me go! You're embarrassing!!" Tan Hua struggled inside her father's arm as her face turned bright red.

"D-daddy!!! Let me go! You're embarrassing!!" Tan Hua struggled inside her father's arm as her face turned bright red. They were in the middle of a crowded airport!! It was so embarrassing!!

"Aish my little princess is shy!" The man, Tan Hua's father slowly released Tan Hua while ruffling her hair like coaxing a child.

"Geez, both of you still treat me like a child! I'm already an adult! I have also made money!" Tan Hua humphed to her father but her humphing action was indeed resembling a bratty teenager.

Tan Hua refused to be hugged again by her father and her mother so in the end, her father and mother could only helplessly shake their heads while feeling dejected. Their cute princess now didn't want to be hugged in front of other people! So sad!

They wanted to spoil Tan Hua, always protected her but now the once cute little girl had grown up in a blink of an eye they indeed really love this girl as she was their only child.

Tan Hua grew up to be a childish girl and spoiled with her parents' overwhelming love, Tan Hua grew up to be a childish girl and spoiled with her parents' overwhelming love, but her parents were still very proud of her because in 20 years old she already owned her brand, gaining around a million US dollars a year and when she was 22 years old her fame as a fashion designer already exceed her parents' fame.Tan Hua's father and mother were both famous as her father, owning various super popular brands such as Gucci, Channel, Zarra, Victorian Secret, and so many else while her mother was a top fashion designer.One design made by Tan Hua's mom was sold for 1 million US dollars! Her father's company made Billion, no. Trillion a year.Tan Hua looked at her dejected parents and secretly smiled. She was angry that they were treating her like a child when she was already an adult but aish...she still couldn't hate them."Okay okay don't be that sad anymore. quick quick! your plane would be here soon right?" Tan Hua sighed. She forced herself to give her parents the last hug before the two of them went to their plane. They were going to travel around the world for 6 months.30 minutes later...CKIITT...Chapter 2"We're home young miss" Old Chu, the Tan family loyal driver opened the limousine car door with a gentle smile on his face."Puah! Finally!" Tan Hua cheerfully went out of her family's car and dashed like a cheetah, entering her house.When Tan Hua arrived, a row of butlers and maids neatly lined up in front of the mansion gate welcoming her with their loud greeting. "Welcome back young miss!"Tan Hua didn't spare a glance and casually waved her hand dismissed the servant. "Dismissed"When she was already inside her house...she quickly ran to her bedroom on the second floor.CREAK...When the door opened, a view of the bedroom instantly appeared in front of Tan Hua. A wide, gorgeous pink room instantly filled her view. The bright crystal chandelier hanging on the ceiling shone the room with its white light making the room sparkling like a diamond.This princess-like room was Tan Hua's bedroom. The room was big as three normal classrooms combined. There was a big king-size bed, mini theater, mini library... It was like a dream for any lower-class families.TAP. TAP. TAP.With a hurried pace, Tan Hua headed to her private theater inside her room.She took off her shoes before entering the theater and once she was inside, she immediately plopped down on a furry pink sofa near the door.PLOP!"Ah! I'm free!" Tan Hua giggled to herself as she began to felt excited. Her parents weren't here so she could do anything she wants!Her parents always forbid her to watch serial drama or reading novels as they thought it would 'corrupt' her so all she could watch was serial TV for children and fairytale books.She was already 22 years old damn it!! Her parents still forbid her from watching drama so she could only do it secretly.But now... she could laze around while watching the newest episode of her favorite drama!! So happy!!"Chan!! Bring me the latest episode of the drama I watched yesterday!" Tan Hua called her butler with her smartwatch to bring her the newest episode she wanted.As she waited for the butler to come, Tan Hua made herself comfortable and began to snack on a plate of caviar served on the table.TOK TOK TOK."Young miss, excuse me...." Chan, the butler entered the mini-theater after he knocked on the door. He brought Tan Hua's request, the newest episode of her favorite drama!"Yeah! Thanks! You may leave!" After Chan prepared so Tan Hua could immediately watch, he left the room quietly.Tan Hua looked at the n-inch screen in front of her with sparkling eyes. This was the newest episode of the drama "That Overbearing CEO is Mine!".This drama was aired on TV but as Tan Hua was prohibited from watching TV, she secretly paid the producer to make her the blue-ray, exclusive for her only.The drama "That Overbearing CEO is Mine!" started to get popular even when they just launched the first episode!The drama was about the revenge of a rich girl, Mi Shu 25 years old world-wide famous fashion designer. The story started with Mi Shu's best friend stole her latest design and framed her for plagiarism, instantly kicked her out from the fashion world.Her fiance whom she loved to death, suddenly cheated on her with a sexy older woman and broke her engagement.To make it worst, her father brought a mistress plus a 20 years old step-sister making her mother died from heartbreak.For the later 5 years, Mi Shu faces a lot of her step-mom scheme and died when she just reach 30 years old. The story truly began when Mi Shu reincarnated to her past self when she had just received multiple misfortune.What Tan Hua loved from this drama was the existence of the handsome yet cold male lead, Ren Yuan, and the two-faced handsome second male-lead, Nan Shen. The two of them were super-rich CEOs, the world's wealthiest trillionaires!But what was even better was they were very very handsome! Husband material!!"Kyaaa!!! Ren-sama, Nan-sama!! " Tan Hua squealed when she watched the part where Ren Yuan and Nan Shen were together on one screen. In this scene, the two of them were discussing with Mi Shu in one place.Look! Ren Yuan and Nan Shen together were just so handsome!Tan Hua hugged a pillow as she drooled over her TV screen. The reason why this drama was so popular despite the cliché story was because of the actor playing Ren Yuan and Nan Shen were both super handsome!Tan Hua had completely fangirling over the two of them.Ahhh I wish I was Mi Shu!Tan Hua screamed in her heart in jealousy looking at the lucky Mi Shu. Well, she wasn't an actress so it was impossible to met Ren Yuan actor and Nan Shen actors...PRANG!A loud crash sounded from the drama startled Tan Hua fangirling time. When she looked back at the TV, this was the scene she saw.There was a plain no-name office boy who accidentally poured hot tea to Nan Shen!