
+ Nurse +

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Night came slowly the sun left the skies slowly as if it wanted to stay some more and watch over the world some more like it was a loving mother checking on her child. When night descended the camp atmosphere was lively the many noises that usually accompanied the camps outside.

The inside of the camp though, was silent as if everyone was already sleeping long before. However the light shining within each camp shows such things were untrue as within the entering of the dark night schemes persisted and actions took place below the nose of many.

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The same persisted inside the medical tent.

A woman with brown hair which came to her neck with a leather cloak that descended from her shoulders and almost touched the ground her midsection was tightened with a belt which of course contained medical instruments and bandages for her to use on her patients. Despite the cloak which was somewhat padded to make her warm, she couldn't hide her curves and her beautiful feminine face which made her look beautiful in the eyes of most.

This woman was naturally Fabia the nurse that was assigned to Folke, she took pity on Folke and gave him extra attention than most of her other patients who were simple soldiers. She was in the middle of attending to someone else and made her way over to another patient when she saw a cold sweat come down from his face and bare chest.

The man shot up from his position straight as a pillar, he began taking in cold breaths of air and his hand instinctively shot up from his side to his chest to his stomach rubbing the distinctive areas to see if anything was there. He felt his chest pounding as if he was seconds away from having a heart attack at any moment or if he already had a heart attack and this was his body after surviving the seconds of death.

His limbs ached as if he had just gone through intense exercising and felt heavy, his mind was in disarray, he wanted to scream yet he couldn't, his throat was dry and closed and he felt as if he was beginning to burn from the inside out.

This man of course was Folke who had just woken up, but Fabia only had one light in her hand and wasn't able to see Folke's face yet. But she still rushed over and placed the torch down next to his bedside and began to check up on him frantically.

``Everything is okay.. .Everything is okay.`` She placed a hand on his chest and began to gently lay him back down on the bed so she could get a better look at his affliction. But the moment she placed a hand on his chest her face changed to a frown `He's burning to the touch?` She laid him down on the bed and began to take measures to help the person within her capabilities alone.

Folke didn't resist and he simply couldn't resist either he was too weak to even fight back against her gentle push which to him felt like a heavy pressure on his chest, he obediently laid on his makeshift bed that they provided him and allowed her to do her work while trying to regain back his sanity. The pain from all of this was unbelievable, everything hurt and he felt as if every single pore in his body was attempting to hurt him.

What the nurse Fabia did, did nothing to help him but she was trying her best she gave him a herbal medicine brew that helped fevers yet that didn't help at all and she also attempted to give him a muscle massage after folke said ``Everything it's everything.`` in a weak tone when she asked him how he felt.

After some time she saw that there was simply nothing that she could do to help him at all and finally looked at Folke's face and slightly widened her eyes when she saw him `It's him?` She didn't look at his face since she started helping him `He was in a stable condition when I last treated him. How did he get to this stage?`

She cradled his head in her arms and felt helpless in the way she could actually help folke in any manner, She used all of the medicinal herbs that she knew of and if she left him for help it was most likely that he was going to die anyway so she just wanted to make his last moments at least peaceful.

She felt Folke's heat which was burning gently rest against her thighs, and then she felt a sharp decline in heat. Placing her hand against his forehead she saw that he fell unconscious most likely due to the pain and that his burning forehead had begun to sharply decline to a warmer temperature.

`What?` She looked at Folke's chest and saw a little light emit from it. She felt as if her eyes were playing tricks on her so she blinked one time and the light was gone completely. She continued to hold folke's head and check on his condition for time to time until morning came.