
+ Warrior and Aegir +

This man was called Warrior. HIs arms were the size of logs and his hands looked like they could crush mountains and go against dozens of men without falling down. His short blonde hair was wildly disheveled and he had only a short sleeved chainmail on with plain pants. HIs bare arms had many tattoos on it which were entrict patterns that looked like they moved when he slightly moved his arm or flexed his muscles.

His gaze was more powerful and different than his friend Aegir, When aegir looked on people he invoked fear and looked as if he was unpredictable with each movement of his body. Warrior's gaze was similar to an impassable mountain looking down at its steep slopes toward the men that dared to climb it.

``Let's start.`` Aegir said first after they took off their cloaks. His voice was androgynous you couldn't really tell if he was a female or a man when he spoke but his facial features and body gave off a masculine aura accompanied with a mysterious aura which made him unpredictable to many warriors on the battlefield.

``I agree, Brother Aegir`` Warrior and nodded affirmatively when he heard Aegir's voice, His voice was louder than his normally so when he spoke everyone snapped their eyes to Warrior and looked at him.

Aegir walked forward and an officer grabbed a chair within the large tent and placed it behind him, quickly leaving. He would close his eyes gently and sat down in the chair.

Warrior walked behind Aegir and stood tall within the tent, when offered a chair he waved his hand and said ``No.`` The man who offered the chair rushed back and put the chair away.

``What are we doing here?`` Warrior looked down and asked the 'little' aegir who was sitting in his chair with his eyes closed just enjoying the awed gazes he received. He opened his eyes when he heard Warrior's inquiry.

The men in the tent looked at Aegir and had a slightly surprised expression `Even warrior does not know what he's doing here?` The men in the tent were surprised, Aegir and Warrior were known to be blood brothers since they joined the encampment and then quickly rose up together within the ranks.

``Times are changing within the world, The time it is near us all.`` He said with closed eyes, and paused for a long time before continuing ``Ase is as weak leader and does not deserve the title of being are general. She is weak among us commanders and only holds her position because of that Second in command her family placed within the army`` He said slowly making sure that everyone in the tent knew what he was speaking of.

. . . .

A greater silence descended upon the tent and then warrior began to speak `` Ase, Is far too powerful within the kingdom to simply stamp out brother.`` He looked at Aegir with a curious gaze, he was not opposed to the idea of killing ase but then they would have to worry about her powerful backers within the empire once they took over the army.

``Ase is yesterday's message, along with the whole kingdom.. . The times are changing brother, We must change too.`` He paused slightly ``We've gained backers that are willingly to place me on the throne.``

Warrior nodded his head and looked toward the officers within the room, many were within deep thoughts and had been deciding whether to run out of the tent and call treason or to stay within it and continue helping these two in their pursuit for gold and power within the kingdom.

``Who are these backers, You speak of Brother?`` warrior looked back toward ase.

``The enemy across the shores and horizons.``

Immediately someone within the tent let out a soft chuckle `He thinks that those armored farmers can go against the kingdom and gods?` He was looking down when he was chuckling and then he suddenly heard two large slams as if something struck the ground.

He looked up and saw black.

Warrior had rushed forward and only took two steps to reach the officer and knocked him out with a swift hook to the face. He wanted to kill him but he didn't because . . Killing subordinates is not a smart move to do and it would greatly offend other officers to know that their lives were worth grass to their commanders that they fought alongside in battle.

They at least know for a fact that if they disobey their commander they will be stuck within that camp hospital for a two week period, from a single punch given by their commander.

One could only imagine what would happen if that single punch was replaced with an ax or sword.

The other officers looked at their knocked out subordinate and showed signs of hostility, It meant that he supported Aegir who was talking about treason but those thoughts stopped when they saw Warrior turn around.

``Explain.`` Warrior said and looked at Aegir with a pained expression.

Aegir opened his eyes and looked at Warrior with a calm expression ``These backers . . They didn't show their full strength in the last battle. . They have mystical arts similar to that of a god.``

``What do you mean by mystical arts?``

Aegir reached in front of him and turned his palm up to the sky, his hand would then begin to shine with a blue and yellow light mixture, tiny little visible currents of air gathered in the palm of his hand and then it suddenly stopped.

Aegir's hand palm was blue in the end.

The men in the room got up and stared at Aegir with a surprised expression.

Warrior was the first to speak ``The power of the warlords?``