
+ Celebration + (2)

Folke's night continued with nothing eventful happening. He ate, he drank and he went to sleep along with everyone else inside of the tavern. He was always within control of his actions when he drank so nothing unexpected was able to happen to him.

He woke up inside on the floor in the tavern. The general made an arrangement with the tavern after they arrived that all the commanders and their captains would have a room within it. The tavern had very few rooms so all the commanders and captains took those while the men of the army slept within it and its surroundings streets.

The garrison within the fort folke would later learn that they were ordered to protect the sleeping men until they awaken to prevent any looting or stealing of any kind from the drunken men. Of course none of that would've actually happened because what thief would attempt to steal from a man who has a sword on his hip, A drunken man with a sword.

Nevertheless, precautions were taken so there wouldn't be any unexpected incidents within the ranks of the army. They have, after all, just been attacked by wolves. The numbers of the original men that they had were halved in just a few hours by a couple of wolves. They don't need anymore death and destruction to the army.

Folke awoke followed by everyone else awakening and getting all their stuff together. Swords were embedded into the wall. Women were strewn across the men and when the commanders came out even more women came out of the room. The women came out of the tavern followed by the men who just awoke.

The general of course slept within a private house and as such when she came she led the hungover men back to the encampment. After Folke left the encampment with goldrig the men that stayed behind and fixed it up a bit were the men that came late to the party. Goldrig's party and Warrior's party were the only ones that arrived at the tavern first. Aegir and the other commanders had to fix up the camp and then come to the tavern.

When the men arrived at the camp they were tired from a hangover. They went into their new tents who were of course being designated and coordinated by Freja. She stayed at the camp and kind've done some things by herself. Freja was very hyper and awake while most of the men weren't.

She ordered them around and then went into their right tents, not by name but by rank. After the recent attack by the wolves their rank position was switched. The center which used to be where all of the high ranking officers stayed was now moved slightly to the left near the border toward the fort and also near the stables.

Folke was wide awake during the experience and found his tent near goldrig's and in the commander's section. `It seems as if Aegir wasn't lying about my position in the camp being a special one.` Folke in all did not even have a proper rank in the army yet and he still was able to set himself up within the high ranking section.

Folke saw Ase outside of a tent, a few commanders were standing around her and talking. She didn't seem to be that involved in the conversation and was kind've meek compared to the other commanders.

Folke raised an eyebrow to this and just shook his head ` Twice. ` He thought.

Folke disregarded his thought and went into his tent. It was quite spacious just like most of the captain's tents. The commanders were few and had big tents. Goldrig on the journey here had told Folke that his true training and position within the army would be confirmed tomorrow.

Folke wanted to meditate out in the open today. He just got so used to sleep meditating in the past days that he never actually meditated out in the open in the real world. Folke wanted to see if meditating out in the open would actually be the same as meditating in the flowery realm.

Folke crossed his legs and sat on the ground within his tent. No one could see what folke was doing at the moment so Folke felt at ease to have a sort of shelter that made sure no one peeked in on him.

He closed his eyes and began to meditate. He felt the air around him alter slightly and go into his skin. He opened his eyes suddenly and stopped meditating. The air that went into his skin burnt him.

Once it was inside of his skin it also didn't get out and began to wreak havoc inside of folke's body. He was rolling on the ground groaning and grunting in laboured breaths. Folke didn't want to scream at him because he didn't want people to see him in this weak state.

Folke stayed like this for half of the day, no one checked on him because no one had a reason to check on folke. The pain consisted for half a day. The pain only dulled around half a day. The pain was still happening to folke but he was now able to withstand the pain and be able to move around the tent and go to his bed where he wanted to go to sleep but he simply couldn't.

The pain was like an energy booster to his mental state, he couldn't go to sleep no matter how hard he tried. He attempted to directly enter the flowery realm to make himself go to sleep but he felt as if a barrier was in between him and the flowery realm.