
+ Sworn +

``Sworn!`` Goldrig shouted. He opened his arms wide like a bears and ran forward.

Sworn, The man that Folke had seen on the training field. Replied in kind, he ran forward and hugged Goldrig. He slapped goldrig's back with the palms of his hand and Goldrig did the same.

``You survived the last battle eh?`` Sworn was the first to speak and the first to break the hug.

``You know, It was a hard battle but I choked it back and pressed on. I didn't want to go puke on that nice tavern floor now did I?`` Goldrig let out a hearty laugh after he said this.

Sworn laughed `` Alright, Drunkard.`` He calms himself down and continues `` You said yesterday you'll bring that boy over here.``

Goldrig shrugged and said `` A Deals a deal.`` He'd motion for folke who were in the background at these guys' friendly reunion. Folke didn't hesitate; he walked up and looked sworn straight in the eyes.

Sworn walked closer to Folke and began to inspect him like he was meat `` I saw his battle against one of my top boy's Scar. Never thought that you could be so… ``

Goldrig continued his sentence ``Slim? Don't worry about it Sworn when ever he gets done with your training he'll probably resemble the gods of war of old.``

Sworn nodded his head in agreement and looked directly into folke's eyes saying ``Get in the line with those men over there.`` He pointed toward a line of people who were bare chested and wearing wolf pelts on their belts. Only one of them wore a wolfskin atop of their head.

When Folke got closer he'd recognize that the person was Scar `These guys must be the elite…` Folke looked at Scar slightly and continued on. Scar on the other hand starred as Folke moved past him and toward the end of the line.

Sworn then came up and said ``These men are my best works, They're not from my part of the army. But I've made them the best of the best in their respective parts of the army.``

Goldrig spoke ``Enough with the speech, Sworn. I need Folke in his best condition when i begin to impart my techniques on him.``

Sworn nodded and grinned at folke, sending a shiver down folke's spine. Sworn then spoke ``Alright, Let's begin.`` He'd look at folke and said this ``You do half of what they do.`` He'd point at the elites.

Folke nodded he didn't wish to argue with Sworn. `They look strong, I don't think I'm any of their match in a head to head fight.`

Sworn and the others also nodded in approval, Must young warrior's within the army would not accept being treated lesser than others. Most of the young warriors would challenge the instructor when they hear this and ask to do the same as what the elites were asked to do.

Why do they do this? To prove themselves? Folke's mindset was much different `I don't need to prove myself I'll get to their position of strength and power in time and when I am in their position I shall surpass them and my limitations.` His ambition never dulled since the day he swore to himself in that medical bed.

The training started and by the end of the first two routines that they put folke through. Folke was gasping for air and on the ground unbelievably tired. He was on his hands and knees looking up at Sworn who was smilingly.

He pushed himself off the ground and felt the pain in his chest, He was being worked to the bone from the first two routines which folke could only describe as worse than fighting Scar.

He got up and Sworn said ``Seems like you're still up and ready. Time for the combat aspect of the training.`` Sworn motioned for Scar to come next to him.

Scar compared to Folke was two different worlds, or objects. Scar was not even the least bit tired from the exercise and any notable thing that showed he had just exercised was the new dirt that touched his wolf pelt and trousers.

Scar came forward and walked past sworn, grabbing two great ax's. He gave the second one he had to Goldrig who then began to go on with a lengthy explanation on the ax's and their 'meaning'.