Do You Thirst for Strength?

In a parallel universe.

[On September 11, 2020, an ancient red dragon attacked New York's Times Square. Manhattan Island was flooded. The dragon's fire blasted the statue of liberty, and the scene was like one from a volcanic eruption, with smoke and dust all around. Everyone was frantically fleeing for their lives…]

[On November 14, 2020, New Zealand fell. The mysterious Naga Race, which emerged from the sea, declared their sovereignty over the islands in the vicinity. During the same month, traces of sea monsters' activities appeared in the waters around Australia; many ships and boats went missing.]

[On May 7, 2021, gods from the Puluo World descended, and a vast quantity of Cenozoic Gods began to spread their faith. The Earth and the Alter World officially merged.]


Xu Nan glanced at his phone, confirming that it was currently November 20, 2019, 7.13 pm.

Right now, he was sitting on the sofa in his living room. He had already maintained this position for over five hours.

Before this, he had been browsing through some videos on the internet. Recently, there was a firestorm of gossip regarding extraordinary humans. One of the most popular videos was about a suited baldy jumping from high-rise buildings to high-rise buildings in the famous financial street of H City.

Although the video was extremely short, the duration not even reaching eight seconds, the amount of forwards still exceeded tens of millions. Many people were very curious about the origins of the baldy, and why he would dare do something like that in a place where an inch of land was worth its weight in gold. Moreover, the more sensitive people already began to notice that the relevant departments were beginning to suppress the influence of this video online.

"If he changed his suit and put on a costume, he would be none other than the spiderman!"

"But his movements are more like a martial monk from the DND world."

"He seemed to be chasing something? Are these special effects?"

These were Xu Nan's thoughts as he watched the video.

After that, he was struck by a mysterious electrical current.

An ancient, cliche voice rang beside his ears, "Do you thirst for strength?"

Xu Nan started before cursing in anger, "No kidding! Other than those otakus in japanese novels, would there be anyone who wouldn't thirst for strength?"

"As you wish."

After the voice disappeared, a vast amount of information flooded into Xu Nan's mind. Among which, there was a segment regarding the 'future'.

He spent a total of five hours before he managed to digest the information from the Alter World.

"Ron Warlock Bloodline? A magical world fusing with Earth?"

No matter how Xu Nan felt that this was impossible, he was almost knocked unconscious by the inflow of information.

He braced himself to confirm that this wasn't an illusion and mumbled silently in his heart.


A half-transparent character card slowly opened up before his eyes~


Xunan: 19 years old, human

Vitality: 28, Mageforce: 46 (ineffective)

Stats: Strength 11/Agility 11/ Constitution 9/ Intellect 17/ Perception 15/ Charm 18

Job: Ron Warlock Lv0 (bloodline inheritance completed, but yet to awaken)

Talent: None

Specialties: Personal specialty - Dexterous (Crafting-related effects increased by 50%)

Specialties: Personal specialty - Multi-talented (Required points when studying or learning job skills will be halved.)

Magical Pet: None

Skill: None. Skill points: 0

Shameless points: 0 (Can directly be used to upgrade warlock's level)

Combat experience: 0


He wasn't willing to give up yet, so he silently mumbled an additional sentence, "Mission."

The half-transparent character card immediately changed to the mission card.


Mission 1 - Initial awakening of the Ron Warlock Bloodline: Go and fall in love bravely!

Mission summary: A week ago, you fell in love with that young nurse at first sight. Why didn't you confess then? Even if you failed, that would also be a wondrous experience.

Mission Reward: 10 shameless points/initial awakening of your bloodline.

Mission 2 - A mission that's available once the warlock bloodline is awakened: No one is allowed to snatch my lollipop!

Mission summary: A day ago, a damnable brat cut the queue and bought the last piece of a lollipop that you love. You are not a gentleman if you don't clear this debt of revenge. Look for him and show him who's the boss!

Mission reward: 1 shameless point.


It seemed like the real deal. At the very least, the changes to his body were real.

Recently, the news had been reporting the emergence of abnormal climates in various places in the world. The long-silent 'world-ending theory' appeared on the internet again, stating that the abnormal climates were clamor that raised the dust. Xu Nan had believed it and almost gone to hoard instant noodles. But right now, he, who obtained a supreme bloodline from the Alter World, saw the gate leading to a new world.

If the scenes in his mind were real, this indicated that a world similar to those in western fantasy, with dragons and subterranean cities, was about to invade the Earth. From the start of the collision phase, to the mid-border part and the final fusion stage, it wouldn't exceed three years. The world he was in would soon undergo a huge transformation.

He was fortunate enough to obtain this Alter World's bloodline inheritance before the collision between the two worlds.

However, when he looked at the content in the character card and mission card clearly, he was instantly dumbstruck.

"Isn't the warlock occupation the most perfect one? I thought I only had to eat, sleep, and court girls, and my bloodline power would automatically awaken and level up?"

"Why is my warlock leveling-up system different from others?"

"Why do I have to do shameless things to gain strength?!"

Xu Nan had some understanding of the rules in the DND world. Warlocks were known to be the perfect job - they were handsome and had high charisma, which allowed them to court babes easily. They didn't need to study. As long as they could awaken their bloodline power, they would be able to gain the ability to use spells. Compared to the mages that had to research spell models or depend on the magic weave, warlocks were much more relaxed. Warlocks only participated in dangerous missions to raise their spellcasting abilities and increase their experience. Or maybe, it was just for the fun of it. Comparing warlocks to other magic-users, usually they were more powerful and wealthy.

Other than being the target of envy because of their good looks, there were basically no other flaws.

However, the [Ron Warlock] bloodline inheritance that Xu Nan obtained seemed to be somewhat different.

Ron Warlocks self-proclaimed that they were the strongest group of people in the multiverse. Their bloodline was comparatively powerful. The strongest Ron Warlock could solo an arcanist on a flying warship or powerful grand mages hiding in sky castles. In fact, they could even vanquish some of the weaker gods with the wave of a hand.

Ron Warlocks had a special bloodline growth system, and this was also what Xu Nan had seen on the character card earlier, in addition to all those strange missions. As long as they accomplished the missions, they would have a chance to awaken the power hidden inside their bloodline and obtain a massive amount of skill points, spells, and specialties.

In fact, they even had their own planes and space-time tunnels. Everyone who became a Ron Warlock could be considered very fortunate. But the growth process of each and every Ron Warlock was a bumpy path.

An example was the current Xu Nan.

At a corner of his character card, the brief description of him was:

[A newly born Ron Warlock. You have to subdue your sense of shame before you can obtain the approval of our supreme bloodline and awaken the power that belongs to you. The current you is still weak, have you finally come to realize that you have to do everything by fair means or foul for strength?]

Xu Nan's answer was naturally:


"If I become unscrupulous for strength, what difference would there be between me and Daniel Wu Yan-zu?*"

"For a mere bit of strength, you want me to abandon my sense of shame? Impossible!"

Xu Nan naturally wouldn't do what the mission said, to go and confess to the nurse, for the sake of awakening his bloodline. Who knew how the hell this mission was designed? Although back then, when he underwent the circumcision, he did feel that the bashful expression of the nurse was very adorable, it didn't mean that he had to go and confess to her!

Couldn't this goddamn bloodline awakening mission change to a simpler mission for him?

However, if all those scenes he saw in his mind were real, things would be very dangerous. 

Xu Nan clearly saw that at the latest, which was spring next year, a large number of Alter World's lifeforms would appear in his city. The laws of physics on Earth would change. At that time, it was still unknown if the hot weapons (etc. guns) of humanity could resist those biological creatures or not.

If he didn't take the chance to hurry up and become strong…

When he thought of this, he involuntarily glanced at the locked door of a tiny room on the second floor.

And just so coincidentally, his phone suddenly vibrated.

A text flashed on the screen; there was the photo of an adorable little girl on the left side of the dialog box~

[Xin`er: I'm hungry]

Xu Nan touched his head. Without realizing it, it was already 7+ pm, and it was too late to go out to have dinner. He could only order food delivery. However, when he thought of the personality of this little princess, Xu Nan couldn't help but feel a headache coming. He involuntarily sent a text to ask:

"How about eating pizza tonight?"

[Xin`er: Nope.]

Alright then, he would have to personally cook dinner. Xu Nan placed his phone down somewhat helplessly and stretched his stiff limbs before heading into the kitchen.

40 minutes later, the fragrance of food drifted out of the kitchen, and the door on the second floor opened slightly.

Not long later, Xu Nan brought up a tray of food filled with a bowl of rice, cola-infused chicken wings, half-a-bowl of seaweed egg soup, and veggies. He placed it on a small closet outside the room and then spoke garrulously through the gap.

"Remember to come out and take the food."

"I have to go out for a little while tonight, so you have to be careful at home alone."

"Today, the food is done in a hasty manner. Even if the taste isn't up to standard, just eat a little more or you will suffer from malnutrition…"

The gap opened wider as a charming face appeared. This girl had long black hair, and her large eyes were staring bashfully at Xu Nan, as though this was the first time they met.


Xu Nan didn't hear any sounds, but from the shape of her mouth, this should be what she was saying.

He subconsciously wanted to cast a glance into the room. But the gap was too small, and the other party's wary gaze caused Xu Nan to involuntarily smile wryly.

However, he could still see the other party's appearance in the darkness - long lashes, large eyes, a fair face, a flat chest, and an elegant neck. She was wearing pink pajamas and a pair of cute slippers with butterfly knots as the design.

Overall, she had the appearance of an adorable young girl, just a little introverted.

Xu Nan silently shook his head. He knew that if he stood at the entrance, the girl wouldn't consume the food. Hence, he could only head back down and settle his own dinner in the kitchen.

When he exited the kitchen once more, the food tray on the cabinet of the second floor had vanished. The door to the room was now tightly shut.

He drew in a deep breath and silently tidied his clothes. He then headed out into the night.

At this moment, the other party sent a WeChat text:

[Xin`er: Why do you have to go out today? In the past, you have never gone out at night.]

Xu Nan contemplated a little, but he decided to reply truthfully.

"Didn't I go for the circumcision operation last week? I'm going to remove the stitches."

He even sent a helpless emoticon, but he discovered that when he did so, the other party had blacklisted him.

What the hell was this!

Xu Nan almost slammed his phone.

Why must he have a step-brother that was suffering from gender-cognitive impairment, mild autism, and a personality that would occasionally be unfriendly and blunt!
