I’ve Become Strong

A strange heat coursed through his limbs and bones.

It was like he could see that wondrous bloodline force modifying his body bit by bit.

During this process, the stitches in his private parts also melted away.

"It is this powerful?" Xu Nan exclaimed in surprise.


Ron Warlock initial bloodline awakening successful!

Congratulations, right now your warlock level is 1, and you have one free stat point.

You obtained the following occupation specialties: Radiant-look, negotiation expert, magic expansion, spells in combat

You obtained the following skills: spells identification (8), focus (8), mysterious knowledge (8), bluff (8), gathering information (4), negotiation (4), concealment (4), stealth (4)

You gained the following spells~

Level 0 spells (cantrips): Detection magic, illusory sound spell, light spell, reading spell, 

Level 1 spells: Magic bullet, charm, hypnosis, identification spell

You gained an ability: Summon magical pet.


The initial bloodline awakening was a success, and it brought about visible benefits to Xu Nan.

In a world similar to the DND rules, the power of a character depended on a few aspects: Stats, expertise, skills, spells, and equipment.

There was naturally no need to mention too much about equipment. Xu Nan who just awakened his bloodline was considered stark naked (no equipment).

As for his stats, the six major stats determined a person's comprehensive capability.

Strength, constitution, agility, perception, intellect, and charm—they were all important. But to warlocks, the most important stats were naturally none other than intellect and charm. Xu Nan didn't think too much and immediately added the precious one free point he obtained, into the charm stat. Now, his charm stat increased to 19 points, and he was only a step away from supreme charm (20 points). It was key information that whichever category reached 20 points would then be at the supreme realm and would generate a transformation of the individual. Xu Nan was a warlock, so he naturally wanted to get the supreme charm effect as soon as possible.

Next was the specialties. Specialties could be divided into personal specialties and job specialties. In common words, it meant the things you were proficient in.

Before his bloodline awakened, he already had two personal specialties - dexterous and multi-talented. This was cultivated in him due to his independent living during these years.

As for the four job specialties, they had all sorts of beneficial effects on him.

[Radiant-look]: You will always look like you are in glowing spirits, exuding a radiant glow. The opposite sex will feel extremely attracted to you

[Negotiation expert]: It's easier for you to sway a person's thinking and viewpoint

[Magic expansion]: You can increase the area of effect (AOE) of spells

[Spells in Combat]: You can use spells in combat

The first two specialties were more suitable for non-combat situations. Xu Nan could depend on his high charm stat, along with these two specialties to solve many problems. As for the latter two, they were prepared for spellcasting. Using spells in combat was something every spellcaster must be proficient in. And as for magic expansion, it was an unexpected surprise. This meant that the range of the arcane bullets fired by him could be increased by at least 50%. In the future, after he learned the fireball spell and whatnot, the spell would look much more imposing!

Then it was the skills. Ron Warlocks would automatically gain skills during their bloodline's initial awakening. After leveling up, they would gain skill points, and they could be freely allocated by Xu Nan. Earlier, Xu Nan had taken a rough glance and seen that he already had eight skills. He felt that it was not too bad at all. The first four skills were personal skills, while the latter four were job skills. For a level one character to have so many skills, it was already considered very strong compared to normal level one characters under the DND Rules.

[Concealment] and [Stealth] were ranger skills. Their effect was the same as their names. As for [Bluff] and [Negotiation], they could complement the specialty [Negotiation Expert]. Xu Nan felt that he could change jobs and enter the sales industry now. [Gathering Information] was an everyday skill, and it could strengthen a person's ability to gather information. [Focus] could increase the effects of all aspects of a spell. [Mysterious Knowledge] and [Spell Identification] were commonly used skills of spellcasters.

When all these skills were lumped together, Xu Nan already felt that he was a very qualified spellcaster, although he hadn't attempted to cast a spell before.

Lastly, spells. As a spellcaster, spells were their bread and butter. Warlocks didn't have as many spells as mages, and it was also impossible for them to gain spells like how mages did—by studying spellbooks. They could only gain spells through their bloodline awakening. Luckily, Ron Warlocks didn't have any spell slots limitation. Basically, they were pure spellcasters and could cast spells as long as they had mageforce.

From this point, he discovered to his astonishment that the shameless points he had obtained after completing the mission could be used to purchase spells!

For level 0 spells, 1 shameless point could purchase three!

For level 1 spells, 1 shameless point could purchase one!

Right now, Xu Nan had 10 shameless points he could use. Thus, he rapidly glanced at the spell lists and chose to buy a few level 0 spells with no hesitation.

He bought a total of six 'level 0 spells': increased resistance, poison detection, acid scatter, ray of frost, recovery, and arcane mark.

As for level 1 spells, Xu Nan was much more cautious. After all, he didn't know if it would be easy to gain shameless points in the future. Hence, he only bought four of them: magical alarm, grease, burning hands, expeditious retreat.

There was naturally no need to mention much about the cantrips(level 0 spells). Their use might be limited, but they could occasionally be of use. On the other hand, level 1 spells could cause a higher degree of damage. 

Xu Nan was prepared to set the magical alarm spell around his house. If this world truly developed toward the vision he saw, there was no mistake in preparing earlier. Grease and burning hands were a classic combination in a western fantasy world. Their effect was powerful and they were incomparably practical. As for expeditious retreat, this spell could allow Xu Nan to run faster, making it much more convenient for him to flee!

After purchasing the spells, Xu Nan still had 4 shameless points. He decided to keep them for the future.

If this place wasn't the hospital, he would even attempt to summon his magical pet.

However, when he considered his current situation, he decided to return to his senses first.

The half-transparent character card instantly vanished.

Although Xu Nan had bought many spells and added a stat point, only a minute had passed in reality.

The over ten people on the corridor continued walking over in a fierce manner after being shocked earlier. Lu Junyi, who was in the operating theater, then fled immediately upon seeing this.

They couldn't catch Lu Junyi, and there was no one else in the nursing station. Hence, they could only surround Xu Nan.

"I think I saw you somewhere before."

The person in the lead was a plucky-looking lady. Xu Nan noticed that although her face was very beautiful and her figure was hot, wasn't the fine hair on her body a little too dense?

"Are you Lu Junyi's friend?" a person at the side asked.

Xu Nan calmly replied, "I came here to do an operation. Earlier, didn't you see me confessing my love to the little lady at the nurse station? How can it be possible that I'm his friend?"

What a joke. Although he was now a level one warlock, it was still tough for two fists to defend against four hands, let alone that there were now over ten people surrounding him and quite a few of them were muscular blokes. How would Xu Nan dare to act?

Moreover, even if he had the strength to knock these people down, he wouldn't easily use his spells. Why? What if, after the fight, he was targeted by some mysterious organizations and ended up being captured as a lab rat?

Before he grew strong enough, he wanted to keep a low profile.

However, who knew that the moment the sentence left his mouth, someone laughed. "Those who came to this hospital for operations are all Lu Junyi's friends!"

"I also used to be his friend!" That lady raged. "So, where is he now? Call him out, or we will dismantle his hospital!"

Xu Nan silently glanced at the security guard at the entrance. It seemed that he had fled upon seeing the situation turning awry.

This was thought-provoking. Lu Junyi's background was very influential, so who would dare to come and make trouble for him? Moreover, the security guard didn't dare to stop them, and Lu Junyi had also run away. There must be a problem.

Xu Nan could only patiently explain to them that he had no connection with Lu Junyi. Both parties began to wrangle.

During this period, no matter how good his temper was, Xu Nan began to feel frustrated at the endless pestering of these people.

He roughly understood the general situation. It seemed like Lu Junyi got this lady to come here to do a breast enlargement surgery. At the start, everything was fine. A pair of A-cups turned into 36D, and the lady was also very satisfied.

However, good things didn't last forever. A few days later, fine hairs began to sprout madly all over her usually fair body.

After she went to a legitimate hospital to do a check, it was discovered that the level of the male hormones in her was a few times more than normal.

This triggered the lady named 'Wenxin' extremely, and she would bring over her people every day to look for Lu Junyi. Her background was also very influential. In truth, her family had a pretty good relationship with Lu Junyi's family. This was why the security guard didn't dare to stop her from entering.

At the start, Lu Junyi had still done a proper check on her. But later on, he couldn't find any way to explain and didn't have a way to solve it. Hence, he could only choose to flee.

"Sprouting fine hairs madly?"

Lin Wu's heart suddenly stirred. He quietly used a [identification spell] on the lady named Wenxin.

[Wenxin/female/24 years old/currently in the awakening phase of the barbarian female bloodline…]

Xu Nan: "..."

This matter truly couldn't be blamed on Lu Junyi!

He didn't expect that he wasn't only the one who encountered a change. He just randomly ran around and discovered a lady that obtained the female barbarian warrior job from the Alter World!

No wonder there had been so many of those short videos. Who knew how many people with Alter World's powers were currently hiding in the city?

Xu Nan suddenly felt a sense of danger.

He pushed aside the lady Wenxin, took the flowers he bought, and mumbled the words of a spell, casting [expeditious retreat]. He then managed to escape from the encirclement with it.

Naturally, he also noticed that those people hadn't really intended to stop him. If not, given his current dabbler standard in spellcasting, he wouldn't have been able to flee. 

After exiting the hospital, he carried the fresh flowers as he headed home. When he passed by an alley, all of a sudden, a shadow fell from the sky.


Xu Nan saw it clearly. The shadow fell down from a huge banyan in the alley, and it seemed like the fall was quite heavy.

This person was clad in black and resembled a squire from the ancient era.

"Are you okay?"

Xu Nan subconsciously asked.

"I'm fine," a female voice replied.

"I'm already used to falling down. I've been watching this family for two days, but I forgot how their banyan is extremely slippery."


Xu Nan silently mused, could it be that he just met a thief?

"Can you do me a favor?" The other party's voice was filled with some embarrassment.
