Not All Baldies Are Martial Monks…

Staring at the messages in his WeChat account and a few missed calls, Xu Nan involuntarily felt a feeling of warmth in his heart.

So it turned out that his senior school sister cared about him a lot.

He simply disappeared for a while, yet she sent so many messages...wait!

Xu Nan glanced at the time on his phone and discovered that it was already 2.30 am.

Moreover, Zhang Yingluo's messages were sent at 2 a.m., the time where he was supposed to be on guard duty.

"The flow of time in Lost Paradise is different."

"I only went in for 1.5 hours."

Xu Nan silently cursed. What if the others were worried about him and summoned everyone to look for him? That would really be embarrassing.

After all, the maple forest was only so big, and yet he had gone into a different plane. Looking for someone during the night was not only tiring, but it might also be dangerous.

Just when he wanted to reply, he saw a segment within the information Zhang Yingluo had sent to him, and it attracted his attention.

[The wanted criminal is named Wu Ke, a crazy serial killer. He has been on the run for quite some time, and the government has formed a team to catch him. Yesterday night, he was discovered by someone to have appeared at the park near the riverbend…]

[This person is about 1.7m tall. He is a bald male that likes to wear black tight-fitting clothes. His face is very clean, but he has a mole near the corner of his eyes…]

Xu Nan looked at Zhang Yingluo's description and mumbled to himself. All of a sudden, he pointed the flashlight of his phone in the direction of a little creek not far away.

He used it to point toward a figure lying down in the little creek. He took a photo and sent it over.

"Is the appearance of the person you are talking about like this?"

Bzz bzz bzz!

The vibration sounds rang out -- [It is him! Where are you? Why didn't you pick up your phone? You have to be careful; try to stay further away from him!]

Zhang Yingluo's text expressed her anxiousness.

She called but she hung up half-way. Xu Nan supposed that she was afraid he might not have set his phone to silent, and the ringtone might concern his safety.

In truth, Xu Nan also just saw the criminal. After all, tonight's moonlight was not too bad, and a clean bald head reflected the light. It was hard to miss.

He actually encountered the legendary wanted criminal? Xu Nan couldn't help but feel nervous.

However, that powerful chalk warrior was burned into ashes by him, and no matter how powerful the criminal was, he looked to be in a dazed state after being heavily injured. So, there probably wouldn't be anything bad happening to Xu Nan.

He swiftly initiated communication with Zhang Yingluo. But when he was sending his location over, only then did he discover that after returning from the Lost Paradise, he was actually transported to this place, which was near the maple forest.

This place was not far from the riverbend.

Zhang Yingluo replied with a sentence, [Hide yourself, I'm coming immediately.]

Xu Nan glanced at that unconscious baldy as he mumbled and texted, "Should I call the police or not?"

After all, the spirit of a good citizen was carved deep in his bones. When encountering such a situation, Xu Nan's first reaction wasn't wanting to become a hero. Rather, he was wondering whether he should call the police or not.

Zhang Yingluo hurriedly replied, "No need, wait for me."

Xu Nan felt some worry. He could roughly guess what Zhang Yingluo was thinking about, but this man was ultimately a wanted criminal and might also be a job-holder.

If he didn't call the police, would he be considered as sheltering a criminal?

"Forget it, even the senior school sister is unafraid. I'm a big man, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Xu Nan, can you bring out some courage? You watched so many American movies, so why don't the auras of their superheroes rub off on you?"

He silently encouraged himself.

Because he was afraid that the 'wanted criminal' might have an ally, he set three magical alarms in the nearby surroundings to increase his sense of safety.

He then silently cast a level 1 monster summoning spell. This time, his luck wasn't bad and he summoned a night owl, which could help him monitor the situation. Xu Nan gave it an order for it to automatically alert him if there was danger. After that, he turned his attention onto the baldy in the creek.

The baldy looked seriously injured.

However, Xu Nan didn't dare to get near. He cast an identification spell from afar.

[Wu Ke/male/32 years old/level 4 black saberist/nearing death…]

"He's actually not a martial monk? I thought all baldies are martial monks."

Xu Nan had been puzzled earlier. If it was a martial monk, how would he have become a wanted criminal? From the looks of things, not all baldies were martial monks.

Soon after, he frowned. He had some understanding of the job, black saberist, from the bloodline memories he inherited. It was an extremely dangerous job.

Even in Puluo World, the threat level of black saberists was only secondary to heretic cult members. It was a job that would be hunted down by everyone.

They killed their own kin for enjoyment and could obtain strength through bloody events.

There were many evolution paths for black saberists, but the majority would choose [Red Outcast] or [Bloody Hunter]. For the former one, their level-up mission required them to massacre an entire village of innocents. As for the latter one, they would have to accumulate significant debts of blood.

In any case, this job wasn't anything good.

Xu Nan had decided. When his senior school sister arrived, they would discuss how to handle this wanted criminal.

At this moment, his mission card, which always wanted to create trouble, suddenly appeared before his eyes.

[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Optional Mission]

[Mission name: Not helping a dying man]

[Mission description: Living in this dangerous world, being overly kind would easily harm yourself. Sometimes, not saving a dying man is the best self-protection…]

When he saw this, Xu Nan felt that the description was pretty logical. If someone with a heart of gold met a wanted criminal on the verge of death and saved them, the criminal might live on and continue to harm society.

However, at the next second, the tone of the mission description changed.


[...So, take a good look at his dying state! Pay close attention to every detail of Wu Ke who is on the verge of death. The duration is 30 minutes, if Wu Ke completely dies or leaves the state of near-death within 30 minutes, the mission will be considered a failure!]

Xu Nan chortled. He was about to reject the mission right away.

What the hell? It was one thing not to save a dying man, but the mission wanted him to come over and observe the dying man closely? Did the mission truly not treat the criminal like a living human?!

What would happen if the criminal truly died while he was observing him? The mission would be a failure and he would be in a hell lot of trouble.

Xu Nan naturally had no interest in these things.

However, when he looked at the rewards, his eyes weren't able to shift away.…!

[Mission reward: 5 shameless points; job specialty - insta-cast]

When he saw these words, Xu Nan immediately accepted the mission.

Wasn't it just watching a baldy dying? There shouldn't be any difficulties!

At the instant Xu Nan accepted the mission, he could clearly see Wu Ke's life value.

[Life 3/96]

Given the number, he should be able to last 1 to 15 minutes before he died.

"He's about to die, why is he so seriously injured?" Xu Nan mumbled to himself.

He used his flashlight to shine on the baldy and discovered that there were traces of him being shot by many bullets in his chest. From this, one could see that a level-4 black saberist was still insufficiently powerful to deal with hot weapons. He couldn't even block guns.

Xu Nan wasn't too proficient with guns. He also had no idea what sort of hot weapons the police or military used to injure the body of a job-holder, whose constitution surpassed ordinary people, into this state.

Staring at the pathetic scene of Wu Ke, he was quite shocked.

"I'll just observe like that."

Xu Nan silently glanced at his mission card. Not only was there Wu Ke's life value, but there was also a countdown timer of 30 minutes.

Xu Nan sat there and simply looked at the baldy.

A minute later, Wu Ke's life value dropped by 1, becoming 2!

Xu Nan suddenly realized that if he didn't do anything, this fellow might truly die!

If the wanted criminal died, it wasn't a pity. But what about his mission?

Zhang Yingluo was most probably still rushing over. If the criminal died now, how should he answer to his senior school sister?

He bitterly struggled for one minute. Wu Ke's life value trembled and directly dropped to 1!

When his life value dropped to 0, it would mean that he had left the world.

Xu Nan knew this; hence, he decisively acted.

He bore the pain and used 2 shameless points to purchase the level 1 spell of priests [Strong Recovery]!

In any case, the reward for completing the mission would be 5 shameless points. If he invested, he would surely be able to get a return. Xu Nan consoled himself like this.

At the next second, he glanced at the baldy and chanted in a low voice.

He tossed a strong recovery spell over!

The baldy's life value shot up.

In the span of a single breath, the life value jumped up to 17 points!

Xu Nan turned pale with fright.

The baldy groaned in a low voice and actually woke up from his unconsciousness. He glanced at Xu Nan with a look of gratitude on his face, seemingly as though he wanted to open his mouth and say something.

But at the next instant, Xu Nan took out a fruit knife from his bag and stabbed it into the baldy's stomach.

The damage value of the fruit knife was 2, and it perfectly caused the baldy's life value to drop back to 15, which was the state of near-death!

Baldy, "??"

He simply stared at Xu Nan with a baffled look on his face. His voice was very weak.

"Little me...earlier did you cast a recovery spell on me? Are you a priest?"

Xu Nan was silent. He simply opened his eyes wide and stared at him.

That gaze caused the baldy to feel chills in his heart.

Actually, Xu Nan was only doing this to complete the mission. He had to fulfill the conditions of watching the criminal while he was in a near-death state]!

However, from the perspective of the baldy, Xu Nan became increasingly deep and immeasurable.

Right now, although he was at the near-death state, he still had the strength to talk. "You, save me...I will definitely repay you heavily. I have a way to allow you to gain more strength."

Xu Nan remained indifferent as he continued staring.

The baldy continued to talk. But after some time, because his life value dropped too fast and he had no more strength left, he could only widen his eyes and stare at Xu Nan.

Not long later, Wu Ke's life value dropped to 5.

Xu Nan suddenly chanted and cast another [Strong Recovery] on him.


Wu Ke's life value instantly rose from 5 to 20!

Xu Nan frowned. He lifted the knife and stabbed 3 times.

20 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 14

Xu Nan felt more comfortable now and he smiled.

Wu Ke had just revealed a look of joy, but that soon changed to a dumbfounded look. He felt a little unable to breathe.

He stared at Xu Nan for half-a-minute before asking in an astonished voice, "Brother, what do you plan to do?"

Xu Nan shook his head and refused to speak. He simply continued to stare at him. There was still over ten minutes.

Wu Ke despaired.

This time around, it seemed that due to Xu Nan's frantic stabbing, Wu Ke's life value dropped even quicker.

There was still about 5 minutes before the mission concluded, but Wu Ke's life value had almost dropped to 0.

Xu Nan sighed softly, revealing an unbearable expression due to mercy.

Although Wu Ke was in a half-conscious state, he could still sense the knife's sharpness. He was panting, "Brother, just kill me straight."

Xu Nan shook his head and continued to chant, casting [Great Recovery] for the third time!

However, who could have predicted that this time around, the [Great Recovery] scored a crit!

Wu Ke's life value rose from 2 to 32!

The two of them widened their eyes and started. A moment later, Xu Nan abruptly leaped up. He pressed Wu Ke's head down and stabbed his stomach frenziedly.

"Xu Nan! I found you!"

Qin Lele's figure appeared at the little creek. But at the next moment, her expression turned pale!

Under the moonlight, Xu Nan was pressing down a shiny bald head. His expression was one of malevolence as he stabbed the baldy's stomach with a fruit knife!

As he stabbed, he was screaming, "Drop back for this daddy, drop back for this daddy!"

After some time, Xu Nan finally managed to decrease the health points he helped the baldy recover and once again return the baldy to the near-death state as required by the mission.

He wiped his sweat away.

He could see two more figures from the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Yingluo and Qin Lele both had stunned looks on their faces as they looked at him.

Xu Nan wiped away the sweat and blood on his face. Stabbing the fruit knife one more time into the baldy's stomach, he looked at them and silently asked.

"How long have you all been watching?"
