Then I’ll Recite One?

Because of Zhang Yingluo's insistence, the group of four decided to follow the little creek and leave Wu Ke behind.

Using Zhang Yingluo's connection, she had already informed the police. As for whether Wu Ke could survive until the ambulance came, it would depend on his fortune.

This incident caused Xu Nan to have a brand new understanding of his senior school sister.

Before today, even if he knew she was a job-holder, Xu Nan didn't feel that she was different from others. But after tonight, he could clearly feel Zhang Yingluo's decisiveness and self-confidence. Compared to modern society, she seemed to have an inner set of rules that was suitable to survive in an era of great changes.

Regardless of the norms, it was impossible for characters like this to form instantly. For example, for Xu Nan himself, he wouldn't be able to leave the baldy there and ignore his life and death.

Moreover, her thought of challenging other job-holders the moment she heard a commotion also wasn't the logical thinking process of ordinary people.

With her background and social class, she could gain many pieces of news in advance. If everything went well, before the Puluo World could descend, she would complete her transformation.

What astonished Xu Nan was Senior Ah`Kun. This senior with unprepossessing looks had a calmness that caused Xu Nan to feel impressed.

Even if he wasn't a job-holder, his understanding of their strength was very deep. But even more surprising is that he agreed with Zhang Yingluo's thinking and also chose to go there with them.

This attitude and bearing weren't something an ordinary person of this era should have!

And when he glanced again at Qin Lele who was jumping around at the front of the line, Xu Nan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

After experiencing the initial shock and doubt of being a job-holder, how could everyone accept the inconceivable settings of a magical world that was about to fuse with Earth so easily?

He felt that he alone was a weak chicken!


On the way there, the atmosphere was a little heavy. Qin Lele was responsible for reconnaissance and to find the path. Hence, she was at the forefront of the group.

As for Zhang Yingluo, she was clearly much more excited. She took her weapon out from her bag. Under the moonlight, Xu Nan could clearly see that her weapon was a foldable saber. It looked extremely exquisite, and he had no idea how she got it.

Ah`Kun was evidently very quiet. He walked at Xu Nan's side. Xu Nan could only see an extremely determined expression on his eyes.

"If we really encounter job-holders, what can we do? Should we fight right away without saying anything?"

When Xu Nan was thinking about this, a dialog box suddenly flashed in his vision --


[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Optional Mission]

Mission name: First blood!

Mission description: Humans treat slaughter as shame, but we should do the very opposite. Kill a human willfully to complete the mission.

Reward: 5 shameless points; initial-grade cloudstep shoes

Mission accomplishment: Completed!

You killed black saberist Wu Ke and obtained 1 slaughter point.

You gained 5 shameless points!

You gained a pair of initial-grade cloudstep shoes


Xu Nan was a little shocked, but he soon understood.

Ultimately, that baldy died after all. It seemed that he had died due to excessive bleeding from the stab wounds Xu Nan caused. This must be why the system judged that he had somehow bumbled through and completed this optional bloodline awakening mission.

However, this first blood was a little ball-breaking. It was actually a baldy.

Xu Nan had thought that he would feel an intense discomfort. But right now, Xu Nan truly felt nothing.

Maybe, not only them… He himself had started to change slowly. It was just that the speed of his transformation wasn't that obvious.

No matter what, Xu Nan would be glad for free shameless points that fell from the sky. And as for that so-called slaughter point, this was the first time Xu Nan obtained it. He carefully checked his knowledge of the system, but he discovered no information about this at all. Regarding the slaughter points, Xu Nan had to grope blindly in the dark himself.

Lastly, for that pair of initial-grade cloudstep shoes, it also caused Xu Nan to feel curiosity. If it wasn't for the fact that they were rushing to the riverbend now, he really wanted to take them out and try to wear them.

This was the first time a mission granted him equipment.

The cloudstep shoes could greatly boost Xu Nan's fleeing speed. It was much more powerful than [Expeditious Retreat].

He mused silently that if a battle broke out later, he would definitely find an opportunity and change to this pair of shoes.

When he thought about the possibility of a battle, Xu Nan couldn't help and feel that he wanted to cast the shield spell and mage armor on himself right away.

"I'm just a student from a university who came here for a camping activity, why is it that I suddenly have to go and risk my life?"

"Fighting and killing is too boring. Why is the senior school sister so interested in these things?"

Xu Nan couldn't help but frenziedly mock himself in his heart.

Ah`Kun patted Xu Nan on his shoulder, as though he could see Xu Nan's anxiousness. "You don't have to be anxious. Things aren't as negative as you believe them to be. The job-holders might not be bad guys, and our vice president merely wants to spar with them to gauge her strength.

"As for that mage who opened the teleportation gate, he might only want to earn some profits by doing so. How would there be so many desperate criminals in the world? Although all the job-holders gained new powers, it isn't a definite case that all of them would lose control.

"It's just that everyone is very curious about the new world. Junior brother Xu Nan, are you not curious about how the Puluo World that's going to fuse with our world is?"

Xu Nan fell silent. He wasn't curious because when he inherited the Ron Warlock bloodline, he had seen everything clearly.

The Puluo World was a world controlled by deities and gods. The various churches would control virtually all the resources of the main plane.

The war for faith and the war between good and evil were constant things in the history of the Puluo World's main plane. Regardless of good gods or crafty and evil gods, they would all frenziedly plunder the resources of the plane. As for the believers themselves, the gods would slowly exploit and suck them dry of all resources. As for heaven and abyss, the ten-thousand year bloody battle in hell, it was unknown how many lives had been lost there throughout time.

Xu Nan, who was born and lived in a peaceful era, naturally had no interest in a world like this that was inundated by long periods of war.

Let alone the fact that humans in the Puluo World were extremely weak. Although there was once an arcanist empire that created a glorious era. But ultimately, due to it being too strong and it also stepped into the domain of gods, the arcanist empire was banished by the joint-efforts of gods.

Right now, in Puluo World, it looked as though countless races were living peacefully on the surface. But in actuality, they were merely chess pieces controlled by gods in the heavenly pantheon and demons and devils in the abyss and hell.

Xu Nan believed that not a single person who received modern education would be able to endure such exploitation.

There would definitely be severe conflict and contradiction when the two worlds fused. And the laws of the magical world might cause Earth to eventually become another Puluo World.

This was something Xu Nan wasn't willing to see.

However, he wasn't able to say anything about these things. Those were secrets of the Ron Warlock bloodline. Once these things were leaked, he would suffer a backlash from the bloodline.

He looked at Zhang Yingluo and Ah`Kun who were both bursting with excitement. He could only smile bitterly and say, "I'm not interested in matters of fighting and killing."

Ah`Kun nodded and was ruefully moved. "Junior brother's heart is truly benevolent."

Zhang Yingluo and Qin Lele both had strange looks on their faces. This was especially so when they recalled the scene under the moonlight.

Was this junior school brother serious?

But right at this moment, the silence was finally broken.

Xu Nan could sense an intense fluctuation of spells. Qin Lele also discovered the traces of a job-holder in a small ravine.

"Everyone, be careful! If I didn't guess wrongly, the gate should be in this ravine."

Zhang Yingluo brandished her foldable saber, and her entire body radiated a radiant glow that would cause people to sigh in admiration.

A strange blood-colored mark faintly appeared on her forehead.

"God of Truth. The vice president truly had a miraculous encounter."

"From the information I checked on the dark web. The God of Truth is one of the few ancient gods in the Puluo World. Now, he already isn't that active, but he still possesses strong divine power."

Ah`Kun's eyes were filled with envy.

In the ravine, a group of crows suddenly flew over the sky. Someone laughed in a low voice, "None of the four job-holders that bought the entry tickets from me is a follower of the God of Truth."

"Everyone, we will mind our own businesses. Just go back to where you came from."

"Or, if you guys want to purchase the entry tickets now, that can be discussed."

This voice was androgynous, and it echoed from within the ravine.

The four of them wanted to enter for a look, yet they only saw a faint layer of mist obscuring their vision. Xu Nan knew that this was the effect of the spell [Mist].

This mage apprentice's strength wasn't bad. Also, his posturing technique was considered at the perfect level.

"Your asking price is too high."

This was a divine spell from the God of Truth!

Xu Nan could clearly sense that her aura became several times stronger!

"Let us pass. We have no interest in your magic tool or teleportation gate. I only want to challenge the experts preparing to head to the Puluo World!"

Zhang Yingluo's battle intent surged forth.

A peal of cold laughter drifted out from the ravine. "What if I say no?"

Zhang Yingluo didn't say anything and simply pointed her saber straight at the misty entrance.

"What a bad-tempered lady." From within the mist, a skinny figure appeared.

"Templar knight of the God of Truth, a delicate female thief. And...oh, an ordinary human?"

The figure then glanced at Xu Nan. "Eh? What job do you have? Why can't I identify it?"

Qin Lele interjected, "He is a bard."

The figure spoke with contempt, "So it is trash."

"What? You guys are just a bunch of dolls, but you actually dare to disturb your daddy's business?"

The magic staff in that person's hands started to glow with a green light as he chanted some words. His voice was extremely drawn-out and thought-provoking, echoing through the entire ravine!

"No good. He is about to cast the level 4 spell, [Powerful Thunderstorm]!"

Ah`Kun spoke in shock.

Zhang Yingluo's body was like a phantom. She rushed into the mist and slashed her saber forward, but her saber slashed into a scarecrow!

Xu Nan felt apprehensive. This mage named Zhao Wen had such a high level. If he completed his [Powerful Thunderstorm] spell, Zhang Yingluo's divine glow protecting her body might not be able to withstand it!

Now, he could no longer bother about concealing his identity. He directly spread his hands, wanting to cast a spell.

In the time it took for a spark to fly off the flint, the mission card refreshed again~


[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Optional Mission]

Mission name: Achieve one aim's by underhanded means

Mission description: A lie needs many other lies to back it up for it to be perfect. Since everyone already believes that you are a bard, you should use the methods available to bards to protect the one you like! Defeat Mage Zhao Wen using the manner of a bard!]

Mission reward: 5 shameless points; 1 free stat point


When he saw the free stat point, Xu Nan almost choked!

In that instant, his mind spun and he actually managed to think of a way to deal with this.

Coincidentally, Qin Lele also rushed forward at this moment!

"Xu Nan, why are you still in a daze? Are you not a bard? Quickly recite a poem or something to buff her!"

Qin Lele was extremely anxious. Before she could upgrade her class into an assassin-type, the combat power of thieves was pathetically low. She wasn't able to be of any help at all in a battle of this level.

Xu Nan nodded. "I'll recite one poem then!"

At the next second, he spread his hands wide and recited in a loud voice, "A sudden night breeze gusted by...!"

At the same time, he secretly activated his Ron Warlock's secret art.

[Soundless Howl]!
