I’ve Chatted Cheerfully and Wittily with A Legend

"The matter has already been concluded, so you guys should go and think of a way to solve the shortage. Right now, the gods of Puluo World are planning to advance into the new world, and the Ron Warlocks' bloodline will also be brought and promoted to greater heights of development. I can see potential from this new world; you guys must not be careless."

After Mr. Romand reprimanded them, how could those two alchemists dare to say anything else?

They could only feel that they were extremely unlucky.

"Let's go to my place for a sit, Xu Nan. It's rare for you to come to Lost Paradise. The smith couple still missed your...secret recipe."

After he spoke until here, Mr. Romand's tone suddenly turned strange.

He casually opened up a short-distance spatial gate with a wave of his hand. Just when he wanted to enter, he suddenly passed the crystal ball in his hand to Xu Nan. "This is the number #100 abyssal overlord that I successfully captured. It has a commemoration value, sadly, its name is too long that I can't remember. Why don't you give it a name? However, the name must be simple to remember, or I would forget it easily."

Xu Nan stared at the abyssal overlord that was minimized countless times. Looking at it carefully, this monster did resemble a certain very popular emoticons pack on Earth.

Hence, he said, "Let's call it the [Comical Overlord]."

"This name is easy to remember." Romand waved his hand. A label with the words 'Comical Overlord' appeared on the crystal ball. He completely disregarded the howls of reluctance and rage from the monster in it.


Lost Paradise, Romand Residence.

Xu Nan could hear some unspoken implication of what Mr. Romand had said earlier. Hence, once he arrived at the Romand Residence, he immediately expressed his reverence and thanks to the old mister.

Xu Nan was originally not good at bootlicking, but he suddenly became an expert at it after witnessing the divine might of Mr. Romand. He was so good with words that the old mister kept laughing.

In the end, Xu Nan took out another bottle of 'old godma' from his storage pouch, along with weilong spicy sticks, a zhou black duck, thirteen-fragrances crayfishes, and other good food from Earth to show his respect to the senior.

Upon seeing the bottle of 'old godma', Mr. Romand's eyes brightened. He made a beckoning gesture and the smith couple appeared an instant later.

"Catch a dragon over, any species will do. After that, roast it," the old mister commanded.

The smith couple immediately bounced away to do it. Not too long later, the fragrance of cooking drifted out from the kitchen.

The old mister asked about the wondrous news and special matters on Earth. He knew Xu Nan wasn't able to stay too long at the Lost Paradise. Hence, he quickly reminded him solemnly.

"You must absorb the experience from my past failure. There are no problems in your stat points distribution, right? You must never add points to strength and constitution! Or you would end up like me… Sigh, a single slip that caused everlasting sorrow!"

While Xu Nan nodded to indicate that he understood, he also felt something was wrong.

He glanced at the Comical Overlord struggling in the crystal ball and finally understood where the problem lay!

What did he mean by ending up like him? He was such a fierce legend, and someone of his strength was rare even in the Puluo World, alright?!

For a very short instant, Xu Nan felt like following Mr. Romand's past example of adding stats to strength and constitution!

The smith couple's efficiency far exceeded Xu Nan's imagination.

Not too long later, the main dish made from an unknown species of dragons was delivered over. When eaten with the 'old godma' spicy sauce, it was especially fragrant.

The old mister waved his hand. "Don't need to feel restrained, just eat!"

Xu Nan naturally wouldn't stand on ceremony. Sadly, dragon flesh was very mystical. Xu Nan only ate a small and tender piece and felt full instantly.

He turned his head and glanced at the two squirrels tearing apart the dragon scales and eating the meat, as well as Mr. Romand who was feasting on a dragon's thigh. He could only sigh in admiration.

"Young man, your body is too weak!"

The old mister finished munching on a thigh smeared with spicy sauce and had an expression like he had not enjoyed himself fully. He then tapped the air lightly and pointed at Xu Nan.

A wondrous rhythm began to activate within Xu Nan's body.

His stomach seemed to become much stronger and digested the dragon meat instantly!

[You obtained a temporary bloodline ability - Eat Heartily]

[Eat Heartily: Your chewing, digestion, and energy absorption level are all greatly boosted!]

Xu Nan was overjoyed at the unexpected good news. After thanking the old mister, he didn't stand on ceremony and directly lunged toward the dragon meat. During this heavy meal, both the guest and the hosts enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

The smith couple even took out their treasured collection of pine-nut wine upon seeing how happy Mr. Romand was.

After three rounds of wine, Xu Nan involuntarily gave a satisfied burp.

A wondrous current of warmth flowed in his body and ultimately transformed into real strength.

[You have consumed and absorbed the Ekeno Dragon Flesh, Strength +1]

[You have consumed and absorbed the Ekeno Dragon Flesh, Constitution +1]

[You have consumed and absorbed the Ekeno Dragon Flesh, Constitution +1]

Xu Nan's eyelids involuntarily jumped. A feast of dragon meat had allowed his stats to increase!

Although they weren't free stat points, the six stats were famous for being extremely difficult to increase.

To Romand, this might just be a casual thing. But to Xu Nan, it was a great help.

In truth, without the help of Romand's bloodline ability, Xu Nan could only eat a small piece of meat. Also, he completely wasn't able to digest and absorb its nutrients.

Xu Nan muttered irresolutely to himself. Ultimately, he took out [Ansuri's breakfast dagger] and passed it over to thank Old Mister Romand for the meal.

This dagger was constructed from mithril. Given Xu Nan's current strength, he wasn't able to refine it. In fact, even legends might not be able to do so. This crazy treasure was simply of no use, but it was also a pity to discard it.

Most probably, Zhao Wen had also felt ball-breaking pain when he saw this 'kind dagger'.

Rather than leaving it by his side, he might as well give it to someone who might be able to make use of it.

"It's actually Ansuri's breakfast dagger." Romand laughed loudly. He accepted Xu Nan's gift of thanks without undermining it. "I've seen her boasting a lot about this dagger. But after the Puluo World began to fuse with earth, fluctuations appeared in many locations of the main plane. Mage Ansuri's mage tower was one of the locations. Back then, I heard that she had lost this dagger due to the spatial fluctuations, and she grew angry from embarrassment. She even ran to kill a bunch of harpies from the heavenly divine empire to vent her anger.

"This gift is very valuable, but I will still choose to receive it. Between us warlocks, there's no mention of a master-and-disciple relationship. Everyone has inherited the Ron Warlock bloodline, so it is fine if we walk on the path of excavating our bloodline's potential, but it is essential for us to help one another. After you grow stronger and become a powerful warlock, don't forget to guide some of the juniors.

"Let's speak of serious matters now."

Romand suddenly became serious. "From the three rare items you drew from the lottery, you can only keep the sealed great demon heart. You can either use it for research or as an energy source. In any case, the seal imposed by the alchemy center on the heart will guarantee your safety.

"But as for the devil hand and ancient god's broken finger, they are extremely dangerous. In the future, if you come across these things, you have to ensure your will is strong enough to overcome the traps and enticement caused by the evil intent of these items."

Xu Nan's heart shuddered. So, this old mister wanted the two items back because he was concerned about him?

"The other items are irrelevant, you can just make good use of them," Mr. Romand spoke magnanimously. "The period in which you can stay at Lost Paradise isn't long. It is almost up. If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask me now."

Xu Nan pondered and then asked in a shy manner.

"Actually, I have a very large misgiving...why do we, Ron Warlocks, have to do shameless things before we can become stronger?!"

The old mister mumbled to himself, "So, your system trait is [Shameless]?"

Xu Nan was puzzled. "Could it be that you guys are not the same? Am I the only one who treads on this path ?"

Romand nodded. "We are indeed not."

Xu Nan turned pale with fright. "What's going on?"

Romand consoled him, "It's normal, it's normal. Every Ron Warlock's awakening method is different. When I was young, mine was [Anger]. I have to cause others to become enraged. Among the three legends of Lost Paradise, mine was [Anger], Almus is [Mental (crazy)] and Lion King is [Posturing (acting cool)]. You see, everyone is different."

(Eh? Not only is there anger, but there's also mental and posturing?)

Xu Nan was dumbfounded, what sort of bloodline was this exactly?

Romand pondered and spoke, "However, for the path of shamelessness, it seemed like it isn't easy to walk. Your skin must be thick enough. I know a few shameless warlocks who died very fast before they could mature."

Xu Nan was nervous. "Why?"

Romand sighed. "After all, the vast majority of people are ordinary. They weren't able to live with it. After acting shameless for a few times, they went crazy."

Xu Nan had a dumbstruck look on his face.

"It's fine, it's fine." Romand consoled. "There is also one who didn't go crazy. However, that person acted like he understood the system very well. In the end, he ran to the abyss and became an abyss overlord…"

Xu Nan felt his scalp turning numb. As it turned out, those who did shameless things as a Ron Warlock was also considered very rare.

The old mister seemed to be pretty open-minded. He guided Xu Nan on a few things to take note of and told him to let nature follow its course. There was no need to be too nervous.

In the end, he even pointed vaguely at the divine secrets of the Ron Warlock bloodline.

The so-called Ron Warlocks were said to be the bloodline left behind by an existence named Ron, and it was developed into a 'job system'. But whether Ron was a single individual or a group of people, or a monster or whatever, no one knew.

The upper limit of Ron Warlocks was very high, but breaking through to the legend realm was extremely difficult. One had to unravel the secret of their bloodlines before they had a chance to become a legend.

Every legend would see different things when they attempted to unravel the secrets of their bloodline.

Currently, the three great protectors of Lost Paradise were all legendary warlocks. It was said that their strength wasn't any weaker than top-tier arcanists from the arcanist empire. However, everyone's understanding of their bloodline was different.

"Becoming a legend might still be too far for you. But it's good to understand and make preparations for it early."

"Since you inherited this job, you should understand that your bloodline is your root, it is your ultimate place to return to. The vast majority of warlock's bloodlines have upper limits, but we are very lucky. I've not seen the upper limit even at my current height.

"In the future, if you meet with trouble, you can look for me in Lost Paradise. There's no need to feel restrained. As long as it is in the Puluo World, I can settle almost anything. As for Earth, I temporarily cannot head over there yet and will be unable to help much."

After Xu Nan thanked the old mister and suddenly felt his bloodline force elapsing. He then chose to bid them farewell.

The smith couple was filled with reluctance again as they sent Xu Nan away.

When he returned to the underground city and stared at the magical equipment, gems, and precious methods, he still felt like he was in a dream.

"In the future when I head out, I should boast about my wealth!"

Xu Nan fantasized. "I also once chatted cheerfully and wittily with a legend…"

It was only after some time did he stop fantasizing and begin to inventorize the prizes he won from the lottery.

His mobile phone suddenly vibrated as two texts appeared.

One was from Miss Shi San and was sent in the group chat. [I reached the airport. Where is Lu Junyi? Come and fetch me.]

Another was a private message from the great captain of the city's law enforcement: [Reporting to city lord, I'm now at the ends of the upper reaches. I discovered an extremely fat dragon!]
