Please Be My Boyfriend!

Gu Xiaomeng was very nervous.

Never in her wildest dreams would she expect that there would come a day where she would be knocking on a single guy's door in the middle of the night.

However, she had no other path to choose.

As a priestess of the goddess of love and girls, Gu Xiaomeng had received divine grace from the Alter World several hours before.

Her mission was to get close to Xu Nan and take him down!

At the start, when she had first received the mission, Gu Xiaomeng had been very reluctant to accept it because she knew who Xu Nan was.

On the first day of her internship as a nurse, she had cried precisely because of Xu Nan. Gu Xiaomeng might be very silly at times, but she would never forget this matter.

When she thought of Xu Nan, she would recall the scene from when she had cried. Then she would immediately blush and had no way to breathe. As for Xu Nan's later action of confessing to her, that was just a small piece of cake. After all, since she was young until now, many guys had confessed to her.

Xu Nan was just one of the more special ones.

"Why must I wear this uniform? The thinking of a goddess truly cannot be unraveled by humans."

Gu Xiaoming felt a little vexed and nervous as she tugged at her working uniform.

After Lu Junyi's hospital was demolished, she had been idle at home. It had been quite a few days since she last wore this uniform.

It felt a little tight now.

Could it be that she had gotten fatter?

After pressing the doorbell, she glanced at the window in unease. Sadly, she only saw thick curtains covering the window and faint lighting within.

He most probably hadn't fallen asleep, right? If he was the one who opened the door, what should she say exactly?

When she thought of this, Gu Xiaomeng's heart pounded rapidly.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a few sounds behind the door.

"You go!"

"No, you go instead!"

"Forget it, let's decide with rock paper scissors!"

Not long later, the door opened a little. The person opening the door was a flat-chested young girl wearing sports attire. Her gaze looked extremely unfriendly.

"Yes?" The future captain of law enforcement imperiously asked, emitting an aura of a villain.

Gu Xiaomeng trembled uncontrollably; her thoughts were in a whirl. She didn't know why such a young girl would appear at Xu Nan's house. For a time, she didn't know what to say.

"If you have nothing on, just go back home to sleep. I won't blame you for knocking the wrong door so late at night."

Qin Lele was about to close the door.

"Wait!" Gu Xiaomeng regained her senses. She bit her lips. "I'm looking for...Mr. Xu Nan."

Qin Lele's small face was now filled with unhappiness. She took a step forward as her devilish little hand swiped forward.

"Tsk, pegga pig panties?! And pink one at that? Are you not ashamed of yourself for wearing such panties in the middle of the night? You even dare to come out on the streets? Could it be that you wanted to seduce someone?"

"There's no one named [Mr. Xu Nan] here. Please leave!"

After speaking, she waved the spoil of war in her hand and slammed the door shut with a bang.

Gu Xiaomeng's face became red to the extreme. It was like blood might seep out at any moment!

She stared at the door with trepidation. All of a sudden, she gritted her teeth and summoned her courage as she pressed the doorbell once more!

After some time, the sounds of slippers walking over rang out. This time, the person opening the door was a handsome guy with a tall figure.

However, his expression was as cold as ice.

"If you press the doorbell again, I'm going to call the police. I'm giving you a chance to apologize, seeing that you are a girl, but leave immediately after the apology. Also, if you can't take out a few boxes of crayfishes and tell me that your current dressing is a new style of delivery girls, there's no reason for me to hear your third sentence."

(This so cold.)

Gu Xiaomeng involuntarily shuddered. Her heart silently prayed, and at the same time, the divine light of the goddess of love and girls circulated in her body.

She once again summoned her courage. "Sir, I have something urgent to talk to Xu Nan about."

Shi Fanglin smiled. "Come back tomorrow then. I've already booked him for tonight, and I also have something urgent to talk to him."


The door slammed shut again. Shi Fanglin's lazy-sounding voice could be heard from within. "If she dared to press the doorbell for the third time, I'm going to drag her in and kill her after r*ping her."

(He must be saying this intentionally!)

Gu Xiaomeng was so scared that she stomped her feet.

After some time, it was unknown why, but she suddenly didn't feel so afraid anymore. She then pressed the doorbell for the third time, a bit forcefully this time!

"Hmph! I want to see who is the person opening the door next! I don't care who it is, I won't retreat. I must tell Xu Nan…"

At the next second, the door opened.

A giant panda wearing headphones and holding an Ipad was staring at her impatiently.

"What do you want?"

Gu Xiaomeng's vision turned black, she fainted directly.


It was 2 a.m. before Gu Xiaomeng gradually regained consciousness. Yet, she discovered she had already arrived at another place.

This place was a pitch-dark world; the surroundings were lit faintly by the glow of candles. The airflow circulation didn't seem that smooth, and she could even hear the sound of a flowing river not far away.

She sat up from the bed, feeling a slight headache as she glanced at her surroundings.

Not far away, Qin Lele was biting a strand of green foxtail grass and staring unkindly at her.

As for Xu Nan, he was now together with Shi Fanglin. They just walked out of the tiny hut Lu Junyi was sleeping in. The two of them were discussing Lu Junyi's situation.

Upon seeing that Gu Xiaomeng had awakened, Xu Nan felt a little headache.

After all, he could sense the aura from her body. It felt the same as the divine grace that wanted to descend on him before.

If he didn't guess wrongly, Gu Xiaomeng should be here as a representative of the goddess of love and girls.

Xu Nan temporarily didn't want any interactions with any of the gods. Hence, he got his friends to act like that when they were opening the door earlier. What he didn't expect was that Gu Xiaomeng, who was clearly a job-holder, would be frightened into unconsciousness by a giant panda.

This caused Xu Nan to be speechless.

He and Miss Shi San discussed it and still decided to bring her along. Firstly, she was a girl, and it would be too dangerous to leave her unconscious on the streets. Secondly, this was something Shi Fanglin thought of.

"We are not professional doctors and even our basic medical knowledge is insufficient. We won't be able to diagnose anything. As for this girl, didn't you say that she was a nurse at Lu Junyi's private hospital? Maybe she can take a look at him?"

With such thoughts in his mind, Xu Nan agreed and brought Gu Xiaomeng to the underground city.

At this moment, Lu Junyi's situation wasn't that good.

His breathing and heartbeat were much slower than before. His expression was pale and he was perspiring cold sweat, but there were no signs that he had a fever.

"You are awake? I'm sorry, I was very busy, hence the actions earlier…" Xu Nan didn't complete his sentence and was interrupted by Gu Xiaomeng.

She drew a deep breath and stared solemnly at Xu Nan.

"Please be my boyfriend!"

Xu Nan: "Huh?"

Gu Xiaomeng smoothly spoke all the lines she had memorized earlier.

"For the time being, regardless of your confession in the past being serious or just a prank, I treated it as words from the bottom of your heart.

"During these few days, I've seriously considered it. I discovered that it isn't impossible for me to accept your confession. Also, there are some other reasons that I have to be together with you!

"So, please date me!"

Fang Shilin expressionlessly poked Xu Nan. "Is this little nurse's brain fried from being too scared?"

Soupy glanced over. "I, as a national treasure, won't be taking responsibility for this. Her brain became fried due to her own actions."

Xu Nan rubbed his temples, feeling his skull aching.

Qin Lele silently walked over and pulled at Xu Nan's arm, acting like she was his official partner as she continued, "This elder sister, you have to know this man before your eyes is a pervert. He doesn't wear underwear. If you don't believe it, you can take off his pants for a look. I'm persuading you to consider things properly…"

Xu Nan berated in rage, "You are the pervert!"

Qin Lele giggled. "I've always been one. The love between us belongs to the category of perverts having a mutual understanding."

Gu Xiaomeng glared at Qin Lele. It was unknown where she got the courage from as she replied.

"I'm also not wearing any panties now! You, you, you...are a despicable thief, quickly return my pegga pig panties!"

Qin Lele coldly laughed. "Hmph. What a fickle woman. I've already passed your pink panties to the imps."

Xu Nan rapped her little head. "What? Is this for real? Quickly get the panties back for her."

Qin Lele felt wronged, she then mumbled, "It's fake."

Gu Xiaomeng and Xu Nan both heaved a sigh of relief simultaneously.

"Let's not talk about these things first."

Xu Nan quickly spoke, "I have a matter I need your help with. Let's discuss other stuff after settling this matter. Doctor Lu is now in a strange condition. If I'm not mistaken, you should be a priestess of the goddess of love and girls, correct? Since you are both a nurse and a priestess, you should be able to check on his conditions to see if there are any problems, right?"

Gu Xiaomeng was actually quite magnanimous. "No problem."

"Did something happen to Doctor Lu? In the past, I heard that his usage of a fake license was discovered by someone. I didn't expect him to be just a vet…"

Xu Nan's lips twitched slightly when he heard this.

He suddenly thought of this. Gu Xiaomeng was a job-holder. Could it be that Lu Junyi had operated on her before?

Hence, he decided to ask.

Gu Xiaomeng was now much calmer. Maybe, all her hysteria earlier and the incident with Qin Lele caused her skin to be much thicker now.

"I've never been operated by Doctor Lu before, but I roughly know what happened. If you are willing to date me exclusively, I will tell you everything I know."

Xu Nan laughed dryly. He pushed open the door of a small black-colored hut. "Let's take a look at Veterinarian Lu's situation first. Try to save and awaken him. After that, I'm going to find a whip to ruthlessly trash him."

Damn, Lu Junyi was really just a vet. Since he had done an operation on Xu Nan before, didn't that mean Xu Nan was a beast…?!

Upon seeing Lu Junyi lying there, Gu Xiaomeng professionally went over to check on his situation.

She first used some normal medical methods on Earth and had a rough gauge of Lu Junyi's situation. However, her brows were still furrowed. It seemed that she wasn't able to discover anything wrong.

Next, she started to pray in a low voice.

The divine glow from the goddess of love and girls descended from the sky onto her.

[Divine spell - Sickness Identification]!

Gu Xiaomeng's eyes shone with a strange light.

Everyone was looking at her.

In the end, she had a strange look on her face. "Doctor Lu doesn't have any sickness. It seems like he's just dreaming."

Shi Fanglin curiously asked, "Do you know what dreams he has?"

Gu Xiaomeng's countenance turned a little red. "Wet...dreams."

Shi Fanglin: "Get a whip for me, I want to whack this idiot until he wakes up."

Who knew that at this moment, Lu Junyi suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up straight.


"This daddy f*cked the princess of the arcanist empire. They sent a fleet of flying warships to hunt me down."
