How to Elegantly Let Those around You Feel Uncomfortable

The creation process of the inflatable golem was simpler than what he had imagined.

Other than the A.I. chip, which needed to be purchased using ever-gold coins from the Lost Paradise, the materials Xu Nan had in the base were enough to construct it.

According to the instructions of the blueprint, after the inflation was done, the golem should be roughly as tall as a real human. After using lamb skin and some alchemy techniques to refine it, its external appearance should look like a true human.

When Xu Nan was doing the final touches, he didn't think too much either. He only felt this toy truly did satisfy all of his current requirements.

However, when the 'soft' golem was finally inflated and all the finishing touches were done, Xu Nan suddenly realized one thing.

(Doesn't this toy resemble a certain adult product? (s*x doll))

Although he had chosen a somewhat unremarkable model to create, when he thought of a group of inflatable blonde girls farming underground, he felt a little unwell.

"Let's just try it for now. At most, I will just give it some clothing to wear later."

Xu Nan also didn't think any further.

For the inflation portion, the blueprint didn't give any concrete examples. Xu Nan had to settle it himself.

The main thing was hydrogen and a mixture of some noble gases.

Hydrogen could allow the entire golem to be lighter, reducing its power consumption. This was the first time Xu Nan was inflating a golem, so he didn't know the exact amount. Due to being greedy, he stuffed the golem with more hydrogen than it needed.

When he finished inflating it, only then did he realize something was wrong.

Before he could activate the A.I. Module, the inflatable golem started floating away.

Xu Nan turned pale with fright. He hurriedly put down the tools in his hands and wanted to jump up and grab the golem. In the end, it was clear his agility wasn't enough. The inflatable golem floated near the ceiling to-and-fro before suddenly drifting outside!

Xu Nan felt his scalp turning somewhat numb. Luckily, there weren't many people in the base. If not, if someone discovered a blonde woman floating up the sky, how embarrassing would things be?

He quickly chased after it in a panic.

Coincidentally, Soupy who had her headphones on was now walking by while unleashing some random dance moves. When she saw the floating blonde woman, she couldn't help being shocked. "I didn't expect you are such a person, Xu Nan!"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

Xu Nan couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense to her. "Quickly, help me get that thing down!"

Soupy was filled with unwillingness, but she still leaped and attempted to grab the golem.

Sadly, due to the golem being too light, its speed was very quick too. Given Soupy's agility, she wasn't able to grab it at all.

Xu Nan watched her jumping blindly and suspected if she was doing this intentionally!

Luckily, Gu Xiaomeng wasn't in the base!

If she saw this, although Xu Nan wouldn't feel anything, it might be a little embarrassing.

However, the truth was far worse than what Xu Nan had imagined.

The blonde woman floated toward the residential area and its speed wasn't slow.

Xu Nan and Soupy chased after it. All of a sudden, their expressions changed!

Up ahead was the place Xin`er was staying!

And just so as his luck would have it, the inflatable golem precisely chose to knock against the window on the second floor!


The sound was quite loud.

Unless Xin`er was asleep, this noise would definitely be heard by her.

Once he thought about the fact that Xin`er might misunderstand, Xu Nan grew even more anxious.

He rushed over and wanted to cast the spell Web to entangle the golem before bringing it down.

However, at this moment, the window on the second floor was pushed open. Xin`er's curious face appeared as she glanced outside to find out what was happening.

Xu Nan didn't hesitate and shot Malfoy's Acid Arrow over!


After Xin`er opened the window, she only saw fragments of lamb skin floating down from the sky.

"Good morning!' Xu Nan waved to her in a calm and composed manner.

Xin`er blushed and quickly closed the window.

Xu Nan let out a sigh of relief and then rushed over to clear up the mess.

After he picked up all the pieces, Soupy then lazily asked.

"Where's your girlfriend? Eh? She exploded?"

Xu Nan immediately slapped her head.

"Don't mention the matter today ever again."

He carried the pieces of lambskin and rushed back to the alchemy building with a heart filled with pain, trying to fix it.


The inflatable golem did have its outstanding functions, but for its exterior appearance, Xu Nan was now aware that he couldn't copy what was stated in the blueprint exactly.

It seemed the alchemist that designed this stuff was a die-hard otaku or a gentleman!

The 19 models of this initial-grade inflatable golem all had the appearances of various ethnic girls of all sizes.

What was even more ridiculous was that there was a minotaur model!

The fact of why the arcanist empire would be banished, truly wasn't without a reason.

Xu Nan ignored their uniforms and decided to design the external appearance of the golem himself.

Under the situation where the functions must not be hindered, Xu Nan simulated many situations and in the end, he discovered that his design... truly couldn't make it!

The design of each model was made after countless experiments by the alchemists of the arcanist empire. As for the specific numbers and detailed data, there were many profound particulars within.

The model Xu Nan designed might not be so erotic the models, but it was similarly useless.

In the end, in order not to waste materials, he simply chose the appearance of Baymax from [Big Hero 6].

In any case, the external appearance wasn't important to him.

In this end, due to an unexpected turn of events, the first suitable golem of Xu Nan was created.

Xu Nan felt somewhat rueful as he looked at his inflatable golem's automatic operations, as well as its intelligence feedback with regards to his orders. He who suffered from 'bad-naming disease', couldn't be bothered to think of any other names. He decided to simply name this golem as 'Baymax'.

The success of Baymax boosted Xu Nan's morale to a certain extent. However, it also made him completely give up the plan of using inflatable golems for farming.

This toy was most suitable to be an alchemy assistant, and from a certain perspective, it could really be a substitute for mage hand.

However, if it was used to help in farming, the effects would be slightly off.

Since this was the case, it wasn't suitable to be mass-produced.

This indicated that Xu Nan wasted his efforts of two days.

"It cannot be considered as a waste of my efforts. At the very least, my proficiency in alchemy has risen quite a bit."

Xu Nan commanded Baymax to stay in the alchemy building and taught it how to set up an assembly line for creating the little mechanical demons. Baymax's learning ability wasn't bad, and it learned this very quickly.

Once the assembly line was completed, it wouldn't be difficult to start a semi-automatic manufacturing process to create the little mechanical demons.

Xu Nan purchased many blue crystals. In the future, the low-cost laborers of the base should still be by the little mechanical demons.

The inflatable product idea...was temporarily shelved.

After that, he fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already the next day's morning.

The arranged time to meet the tutor from the Thousand Awn Agency was late in the evening, and the location was Xu Nan's university.

With regard to this, Xu Nan still regarded it very highly. Zhang Yingluo had hinted before that for every job-holder that had the capability to become a tutor, they were all at stage 2 and above.

Although the paths warlocks walked are all different, if he could gain the guidance of a senior, Xu Nan naturally wouldn't miss out on this opportunity.

The reason why he joined the Thousand Awn Society was to gain more information about job-holders and resources from the Alter World.

After the group of kobolds was annihilated, the underground city was temporarily very safe. With Soupy guarding there, Xu Nan didn't need to worry too much about Xin`er's safety.

He got the imps to build a total of eight low-grade arrow towers for defense in the surroundings. By doing so, if a monster got near, the arrow towers would warn the base and they could also launch attacks.

After completing all these, he left the underground city.

During the day, he was preparing to go for a lesson. After all, it had been a long time since he last attended any. Strangely, Xu Nan missed his adorable classmates.

It was just that before he reached school, Qin Lele's text arrived.

"City lord, my mom wants to meet you!"

Xu Nan, "??? I thought you said you don't want her to meet me?"

"I don't have a choice. We can't hide our relationship anymore or she won't let me leave." Qin Lele sent another crying emoticon.

"Go and uglify yourself, you must not look too handsome. I will wait for you in Dafang Plaza."

Xu Nan felt a headache coming.

By right, he didn't want to interfere in Qin Lele's matters. However, since he had asked her two days ago whether she needed help or not, how could he say no now that she really requested for his help?

Admittedly, he could gain some activity points, but he would also hurt the hearts of others!

Even if Xu Nan wanted to gain points, he wouldn't target his own subordinates.

He thought about it and decided to reluctantly agree. Also, he was quite curious about what sort of person Qin Lele's mother was.

He learned a bard spell - [Disguise]. Xu Nan then went onto a public bus at the university's entrance.

In order to prevent Qin Lele from failing to recognize him, he sent a selfie over.

Xu Nan in the photo looked like a middle-aged uncle of about 40 years old. His entire person radiated a vulgar aura. There was no connection between his current appearance and the two words 'good-looking'.

"??? Xu Nan, you went for plastic surgery without telling me?" Qin Lele exclaimed.

Xu Nan felt satisfied in his heart. He had long since wanted to learn the disguise spell. After all, the higher his charm stats were, the more troublesome it would be in the future.

Although his current appearance wasn't appealing, it could help him avoid plenty of trouble.

On the bus, there was basically no one else who cast an additional glance at him.

Eh...actually there was one. A female high school student sitting opposite him kept glancing at Xu Nan with a look of contempt in her eyes.

Xu Nan ignored her.

He was still worried about the monthly activity.

Truthfully speaking, making him 'attack' others verbally to gain activity points truly wasn't Xu Nan's style. Before this, by targeting the couples, it had almost reached his bottom line.

Xu Nan thought about it. He would be helping Qin Lele solve her problem. Qin Lele was a clever and quick-witted person. She should be able to think of some solutions for him.

Hence, he carefully considered how to phrase his words before sending a text over.

"Captain of the law enforcement team, I have a question I want to test you about! How should I cause the people around me to feel uncomfortable but elegantly?"

Qin Lele replied confidently, "This is simple. I'll tell you how when you reach the plaza."

Dafang Plaza was located in the city center. Even though this was afternoon on a weekday, this place was packed with people.

Xu Nan got down from the bus and squeezed his way through the crowd to the meeting location Qin Lele had set.

There was a tide of people here.

All of a sudden, he saw a charming shadow flashing past the crowd, lunging toward him.

Following that, a bright and clear voice rang out.


"I miss you sooooo much~!"

Xu Nan expressionlessly stared at Qin Lele who was hugging him like how a koala bear hugged a tree. All the people around had strange looks on their faces when they saw this.

[Activity points +1,000, from…]
