Father and Son Going into Battle as Soldiers!

Honestly speaking, Xu Nan's impression of this 'tutor' wasn't very good. Although this person had been in the entertainment business ten years ago before fading off into obscurity, he didn't really cause the public to have much anger or unhappiness.

However, from Xu Nan's expectations, the seniors of the Thousand Awn Agency should all be people with military backgrounds, right?

Evidently, a deviation appeared in his understanding of the Thousand Awn Agency's structure.

The Thousand Awn Agency indeed did have a military background. But at the very start, they were a grassroots organized group. When the Puluo World first cast its gaze on Earth, the first batch of job-holders was birthed.

These people had long since awakened before Xu Nan and the others.

Some of them even had the opportunity to enter the Alter World. They were eventually recruited by the Thousand Awn Agency.

Naturally, some had refused, and they were either being imprisoned or were already decapitated.

At the start, the attitude of the upper echelons was still ambiguous regarding these matters. This attitude lasted until the military joined. After conducting large-scale fact findings of the Alter World, the Thousand Awn Agency officially gained a foothold and established itself.

During this process, job-holders of the military background continued to join them. From a certain degree, their joining had diluted the proportion of non-governmental job-holders.

However, this didn't mean that all the job-holders in the Thousand Awn Agency were professional military personnel.

In truth, the Thousand Awn Agency recruited many job-holders in the dark, and these job-holders were from a variety of trades.

For example, this person before Xu Nan was a special case.

Zhang Yingluo did faintly hint to Xu Nan before that the warlock job was not well-liked in the internal departments of the Thousand Awn Agency.

They depended on their bloodline awakening to gain power, there were completely no confirmed methods to nurture them, and their reputation wasn't good.

Therefore, the warlock class in the Thousand Awn Agency was a small group isolated from the others.

Wu Sanpao was an example. If not, he wouldn't ridicule their jobs the moment he met Xu Nan.

Wu Sanpao naturally wouldn't say everything in his mind; he merely wanted to grumble a little to Xu Nan. Xu Nan was very clear that at most, Wu Sanpao could only give him a heads-up about the current situation of warlocks in the agency.

The Thousand Awn Agency might not be as good as he had imagined.

However, it was fine. It didn't matter if no one liked them. Actually, Xu Nan preferred not to have too much attention from others too. He didn't find it too bad just to mix around on the surface without going in too deep.

Amassing wealth while keeping a low profile was then his style.

Hence, the things he cared about were more practical. The training camp Zhang Yingluo and Wu Sanpao continuously mentioned was the thing he cared about the most for now.


"There's nothing much to say about the training camp. It's just a place to train you newbies; you will know once you get there."

Maybe it was due to his older age, San Wupao was much easier to talk to than what Xu Nan had imagined. "This time around, we only managed to recruit three warlocks. Two of them are second-generation descendants with military backgrounds. You are the only one with no background, hence you were assigned to me.

"Honestly speaking, I feel that the job warlock is a very rotten one. Although I obtained the inheritance many years before you, I'm still quite clueless about it in its entirety.

"Oh ya, you are currently level 3, right?"

Xu Nan nodded.

"How did you level up previously?" Wu Sanpao curiously asked.

Xu Nan felt somewhat embarrassed.

He couldn't possibly say that he had leveled up by doing shameless things, right?

"Forget it, I can tell that you also have no idea from your stumped expression."

Wu Sanpao opened a bottle of wine. After Xu Nan indicated that he didn't drink, Wu Sanpao also didn't force him and began to drink himself. "As your tutor in the current phase, I can share with you a few secrets."

Xu Nan listened with respectful attention!


Wu Sanbao spoke in a low voice beside Xu Nan's ears.

Xu Nan had a puzzled look on his face.

"The bloodlines of warlocks required intense stimulation. Regardless of external stimulation or internal stimulation, they both can trigger the transformation of the bloodline."

Wu Sanpao spoke frankly with assurance, "I will give you the simplest example. An intense emotional impact, or to be more specific - falling out of love. Have you fallen out of love before?"

Xu Nan shook his head. He never had a girlfriend before and was basically a virgin with a pure heart.

"Many warlocks managed to awaken their bloodlines because of intense emotional stimulation. For example, one of their loved ones passed away, some awakened their bloodlines due to the stimulation provided by their first kiss experience, or their first time making love. There are also special cases like their bloodlines awakening from intense pain…

"There's a colleague in our department who has clearly inherited the bloodline very early on, but no matter what he tried, he wasn't able to awaken it. After that, there was a day when I took a whip and lashed him a few times. He then suddenly broke through…

"Everyone's awakening method is different, but generally, all the awakening methods have to do with stimulation. Naturally, the stimulation point is different for everyone. You have to explore it yourself."

Wu Sanpao shrugged. "I can only tell you these."

Xu Nan had a look of contemplation on his face.

Although Wu Sanpao didn't say much and what he said sounded superfluous, his descriptions of warlock's bloodlines did allow Xu Nan to faintly come in contact with some core secrets.

"Naturally, after these years of research, our department managed to come up with an accelerated awakening process."

Wu Sanpao continued to add, "After you are finished with the training camp, I will bring you to experience the list. As to how many levels you can awaken, that would have to depend on your own talent. Warlocks are like that. Other than awakening your bloodline, there are no other cultivation methods."

Xu Nan glanced at the list Wu Sanpao showed. He was quite surprised that there were many types of activities on this list…

[Street racing, disco dancing, being whipped, watching VR, love teaching, s*x instruction, high-temperature charcoal roast, ice challenge…]

There were so many activities, it was too much for the eye to take in.

Some of these activities caused Xu Nan to feel his scalp turning numb when he saw them.

"Don't worry, all these have been experimented on before. They will be executed within a safe and legal boundary." Wu Sanbao laughed. "The previous guy who carried out all these activities is now already a level 9 warlock. This is why the other job-holders are jealous of us. After all, warlock is the only class that can achieve success in a short time."

Xu Nan understood somewhat.

At the very least, in the Thousand Awn Agency, a warlock nurturing system has been set up, and it was clearly different compared to the other jobs. Once warlocks awakened their bloodlines and if the stimulation was effective, they could achieve instant success and rapidly increase their levels, converting their levels into combat strength.

This was completely contrary to the sequences of other jobs. No wonder warlocks were easily despised by others.

Yet, Xu Nan wasn't optimistic.

The Ron Warlock bloodline was completely different from other types of warlock bloodlines. Although breaking through his sense of shame was considered a stimulation of a certain degree, the angle was a little wrong.

The two of them then chatted about some gossips of the Thousand Awn Agency.

In the end, Xu Nan asked, "Teacher Wu, how does everyone add their stat points in the department?"

Wu Sanpao was astonished. "Naturally, we will add points to our charm stat. As for the other stats, it depends on your mood. After all, being able to fight is just something that lasts for a while.

"While being good-looking is something that lasts forever!"

A vein throbbed on Xu Nan's forehead.

"What about the aspects of skills?" He had accumulated 200 skill points now, and he didn't know what to do with them.

"Just assign them based on your personal preference." Wu Sanpao contemplated. "Warlocks are not that great at skills. Our spells and specialties are our best assets."

Xu Nan completely extinguished his thoughts of getting a suitable method of point-adding from Wu Sanpao.

It wasn't that Wu Sanpao wasn't reliable, but this class, warlocks, was simply too unique.

The two of them chatted a while more before Wu Sanpao left. Before he left, he even paid the bill. This caused Xu Nan's impression of this tutor to improve by quite a bit.


After chatting, Xu Nan learned that the so-called 'interview' was just a process because warlocks were simply too limited in number.

The body examination was also just a process. The most important thing was the training camp that would be held three days later.

Although Wu Sanpao didn't divulge the content of the training camp, he did keep emphasizing that the results of the training camp were very important to newbies.

This was especially so now at the crucial moment where the Thousand Awn Agency was about to walk to the front stage.

After the training camp, the newbies would be scattered and re-assigned into different groups. Although they would still belong to their relevant departments based on their jobs, they usually would be split into more balanced teams according to the experiences the veterans gained in the Puluo World.

Regardless of the time, being assigned to a good team was the most important. This meant resources and opportunities.

The supervision of the Thousand Awn Agency wouldn't be too strict, but it was also impossible for it to be overly relaxed.

If Xu Nan wanted to be able to do more things, he had to reveal his strength and rise above others in the training camp.

Sadly, Xu Nan had no wish to become the focus of everyone.

According to his thinking, he might as well just perform averagely in the training camp. His responsibility in the Thousand Awn Agency would be lighter as well. It was pretty good for him to be a person at the edge rather than at the core of things.

After all, he still needed to depend on himself to raise his strength!

After returning to the underground city.

Xu Nan checked the creation progress of the little mechanical demons and was quite satisfied.

The imps, who had been sent out to check for the surrounding mines, had finished drawing the routes of the mines and surroundings into a map. They then passed it to Xu Nan. As for the troops under the great demon Inoya, they showed no signs of commotions even after a long time. This caused Xu Nan to involuntarily think that they had truly lost their way and coincidentally bumped into them.

Lu Junyi, Shi Fanglin, and Wenxin were still together. When Xu Nan asked if they needed help, he got rejected. Hence, he couldn't help but feel bored.

He thought about it. It seemed to be about time to visit Lost Paradise again!

Right now, he was already level 3, and he could challenge some of the slightly difficult dungeons in Lost Paradise.

Maybe this time around, he might get a bloodline fruit!

Naturally, he could forget about Old Mister Romand's.

Xu Nan felt that he wasn't suitable for close-combat. Be it a one-testicle warlock or a warlock with a missing kidney...they were both things he had no way to accept.

He opened up the level 3 spell list and chose to learn a few spells…

[Human immobilization spell, Fireball, Invisibility, Flight]

These four spells expended 8 of his shameless points, causing him to feel some heartache.

After that, he equipped a bunch of superior quality magical equipment and headed into Lost Paradise alone!

[Activating the second level of Lost Paradise!]

[Detecting your bloodline's strength, automatically filtering the dungeons!]

[Coordinates confirmed, teleportation completed!]

This was the second time Xu Nan entered Lost Paradise. The familiar synthetic voice rang out again. "Welcome to the second level of Lost Paradise. This place is the Bone Burial Abandoned Village. Young warlock, please explore it to your heart's content!"

[Detected an attached incantation on your body: Bloodline Link; do you want to summon the bloodline linker?]

The Lost Paradise's center sent him this information.

Xu Nan started. "Linking bloodlines? What the hell is this?"

"Let's try to summon it?"

At the next second, a wretched-looking young man in red underpants and black blindfold appeared in front of him.

"Zijun, hehehe. Here I come. It's isn't easy to save up money to get a room today. We have to enjoy ourselves to the fullest!"

Song Xiaocheng's hand was about to grab Xu Nan's chest.

Xu Nan expressionlessly ripped away his blindfold. "Wake up, wake up!"

"F***! Where is this place?!"

Song Xiaocheng had a stupefied look on his face.

Xu Nan coldly laughed. "Speak, what is a Bloodline Link?"

Not far away, a Chinese vampire started to hop over.

Song Xiaocheng screamed and lunged into Xu Nan's embrace. "What hellish place is this?!"

Xu Nan pushed him away.

"This is a battlefield in the Alter World. Do you see these skeletons? They are all people who died fighting here. I came here to eliminate these remaining spirits."

Xu Nan calmly continued, "I was worried that you won't be able to call me 'dad' in the future. Hence, I summoned you over."

"Ah, What was that maxim again?"

"Father and son going into battle as soldiers!"

[Activity point +2,000, from Song Xiaocheng]

[Activity point +600, from Qi Zijun]