The World Is So Large, Nothing Is Too Bizarre!

Xu Nan stared in shock at the increase in his activity points.

He suddenly realized that even if he was the target, he would still receive activity points! It was quite unbelievable that he could get points from being scolded by his pet.

What a pity that he couldn't throw Soupy out. If not, given the trouble-making ability of that fellow, the activity points would gush heavily like an avalanche.

After that, he researched more on the Undead Incarnation and discovered that he couldn't cast spells when he was in such a state. However, his close-combat ability did rise slightly in this undead form.

Also, he would gain an exceptionally strong immunity to evocation-type spells, which could be considered a trump card when he needed to deal with spellcasters.

Next, Xu Nan continued to stroll around the Bone Burial Abandoned Village. He encountered Jason, and the latter merely glared back ruthlessly, but they didn't interact much.

Xu Nan guessed that he also didn't know how the third round would start.

The system indicated that the third round would take a while to begin. When the conditions were triggered, the system would notify him again.

Having seen the system's notification, Xu Nan chose to temporarily leave Lost Paradise.

He had exhausted about 70% to 80% of his bloodline energy, so he might as well head back first to wait for the notice. In any case, he was already in the grand justice's good books. No matter what advantage Jason had in the third round, Xu Nan would counter his every move.


In the underground base.

Xu Nan got Fireflow to set up a graveyard. It would be located in the northwest of the underground city where the area was more quiet and remote.

Only the corpses of some kobolds were buried in it. Why so? Because Xu Nan wasn't able to get corpses from any other species. He used to have some corpses of the gnolls, but they had been incinerated long ago. And as for, he couldn't possibly go and rob graves, right?

In any case, people chose to be cremated these days. No wonder there was no human undead.

Through a secret art imprint, he smoothly refined the little tombstone and became its master. After burying it, Xu Nan left joyfully.

He hoped that the graveyard would be able to produce undead as quickly as possible. If all he could see was the faces of the ugly imps when he returned to the underground city, he would definitely be depressed.

After settling the matter of the graveyard, Xu Nan started to ponder whether he should take the initiative to set off and search for the troops of the great demon Inoya.

According to the kobolds, their main force was on the way over, but Xu Nan had waited until the flowers were wilted and hadn't even seen any monster.

Xu Nan was extremely worried. Would these monsters lose their way while searching for the underground base? If they wandered to the surface, then China's savage citizens… Forget it, that case wouldn't happen. After all, the kobolds were so ugly; no one would treat them as food.

Of course, the comrades from the Jiangdong Province were an exception.

At this moment, he received an SMS text on his phone.

In this era, SMS was very rare.

It was an urgent notice sent by Commerce University, and it requested all the students to stay in their dorms. Something important would be announced within the week.

Xu Nan was not surprised. Most probably, the registration procedure that Zhang Yingluo had mentioned was about to begin.

The Thousand Awn Agency was going to show themselves to the public's eyes. A storm would soon rise in this world.

Since the wind and clouds were changing now, it was time for him to make a choice.

Qin Lele also received the notice from her school that requested all the kids who were roaming outside to hurry up and return. If they defied this order, they would have to face serious consequences.

Xu Nan didn't wish to be the one standing out.

After some simple communication with Xin`er, he decided to return to the dorm, which he had at most stayed for a few days before, to take a look.

The safety of the underground city could only be handed to Soupy.

Fortunately, Fireflow also had a certain degree of intelligence. It possessed a certain level of retaliation ability to face external attacks.

After Xu Nan left behind an alarm imprint that could inform him if something happened, he went to pack his stuff before returning to the school.


The next day, many people were already in school. The atmosphere was much more bustling than usual.

Xu Nan looked at the senior school sisters and brothers, who were interns at other parts of the country, rushing back to school. He felt extremely rueful.

All his dorm mates expressed a warm welcome, seeing him return.

Moreover, they also took the initiative to place a box of instant noodles, thermos flask, hotpot lid, and a large amount of paper-tissues on his bed. Mn, there were also many unwashed underwears, socks, and one-time use rubber products.

What was this group of people doing in the dorm every day?!

After a great round of cleaning, Xu Nan finally tidied up his bed. During these few days, he would be sleeping in the dorm.

The conditions of Commerce University's dorms were pretty good. They provided a stand-alone bathroom and a balcony, and four students would share a dorm. The space was also sufficiently large.

Before Xu Nan returned, the three of them were living here very comfortably. After all, Xu Nan's bed became a rubbish chute for them!

"Come! Let's celebrate our school grass's (most handsome guy in school) return to the simple working-class lifestyle. Let's eat hotpot tonight!"

The dorm leader waved his hands as the others clapped in encouragement.

Xu Nan was quite happy in his heart. Although he didn't have many interactions with the three of them, their relationship was still considered not too bad.

It seemed like they didn't have a prejudice against him because of the rumors spreading around!

These were then the actions of true brothers.

He felt warmth in his heart.

Steam rose in spirals, as they ate a 'yuanyang hotpot' (hotpot with two types of soup, separated by a divider). The scene was very beautiful.

Speaking of which, in order to accommodate Xu Nan who wasn't really good at eating spicy food, the two dorm mates from Sichuan hadn't put too much chili in the soup.

On the dining table, the dorm leader patted Xu Nan's shoulder and spoke in a low voice.

"Report honestly, how many girls do you have in your harem now?"

Staring at the shameless looks on their faces, Xu Nan felt despair. He knew they probably wouldn't believe whatever he said.

They continued chatting and boasting while they ate the hotpot. The atmosphere was one of carefree-ness.

The hottest topic was still the recent videos about humans with superpowers. They were extremely popular throughout the internet.

Some students, who had better connections, revealed that the action taken by the school had something to do with this.

Xu Nan had long since cast the identification spell and knew that all of his roommates weren't job-holders. But even so, they felt much yearning toward these people with 'superpowers'.

This couldn't be blamed on them. After all, who wouldn't thirst for power beyond the ordinary?

Even that cold, lofty fellow, Fang Shilin, requested Lu Junyi to remove his appendix for power.

As they ate halfway, the dorm leader clapped his hand to his forehead. "Oh, there's something I need to tell you about."

He acted mysteriously and lowered his voice. "Do you know about the 125 campaign?" 

Xu Nan's heart stirred. 125? He had never heard of this before. He had only heard of 12580.

"It's fine if you didn't come back. But since you did, you definitely have to participate. Everyone has signed the petition. The three of us are joining too. If you are a brother, join it with us!"

The dorm leader continued solemnly, "This is a matter of life and death, so we cannot, not defend our bottom line."

Xu Nan, upon hearing how serious the matter was, also grew solemn. "What's so serious? Brother Xiang, don't be anxious. Explain this to me first."

Brother Xiang glanced at the other two. All of them then nodded and began to whisper slowly.

Xu Nan's expression gradually became strange.

The so-called 125 campaign was referring to the 5th of December. On that day, everyone from the male dormitory would secretly execute a naked-running movement!

This campaign was an act of protest against the school's newly implemented policy where they wanted to shut down all access to electricity and internet after 11 p.m.!

In the past, the electricity used to be cut off at midnight, while the internet had been 24/7. Thus, experiencing this 'inhumane' policy, everyone felt enraged.

The female students would at most grumble about it. But the male internet-addicts could not endure this blasphemy!

Those ambitious ones ran to many dorms. They either wanted to rally everyone to fight for a righteous cause or spoke emotionally about their rights. In any case, they managed to gather quite a huge number of people, which gave them some power.

They even invited the various media of H City, wanting to blow the matter out of proportion!

It was said that there were over a hundred names on the petition. These naturally included Xu Nan's three dorm mates.

Xu Nan felt a little awkward. He didn't really stay at the dorm, so the restriction got nothing to do with him. But if he only needed to show his face and gave them mental support, it should be fine.

Moreover, wasn't a matter like running around naked too embarrassing?


Xu Nan suddenly started. The trouble-making mission card trembled and refreshed again…


[Large-scale Mission Chain activated!]

[I ardently love nature 3: Being happy alone is inferior to being happy together. A chaotic government, an uproar in the society, it would be better to have a naked run!]

Mission description: It's time to join the group and display yourself proudly! The restrained you, the constrained you, the silent you...please boldly become the courageous you! Participate in the 125 campaign and hoist the great flag of the campaign!

Mission reward: 20 shameless points; and a new specialty will be unlocked (forest ranger)


The number of shameless points awarded would be doubled?

(In order to tempt me to fall, the system is truly going all-out!)

Xu Nan giggled. He viewed the mission card in contempt...and accepted it.

Wasn't it just participating in the 125 campaign? Brother Xiang said it clearly that everyone wouldn't be heading into the fray naked; they could still wear their underwear. It was fine as long as they caused a huge commotion.

After all, the self-sacrifices of every one were to protest against the school's tyrannical policy.

He could simply cast [Disguised] and silently mix into the crowd. At that time, how would anyone know whether he was a male or female?


Who could recognize that he was Xu Nan?

Evidently, Xu Nan had always been optimistic.

"Alright then, I'll go crazy with my brothers together!" Xu Nan resolutely spoke.

The other three flashed a thumbs up.

For a time, everyone was feeling joyous and harmonious in the hotpot shop.


At night, after returning to the dorm, candles were lit as they continued chatting. Because it had been a long time since Xu Nan came back, everyone was very excited and had many topics to speak about.

Men...their topics of conversation were either about games or women.

Upon hearing their nonsense about this and that, Xu Nan struggled against his drooping eyelids. A sleepy intent assailed him. After all, he had exhausted a large portion of his bloodline energy.

At this moment, the dorm mate sleeping in the bunk bed above him suddenly interjected.

"I will tell you guys a secret, but don't tell others, okay?"

"Today, when I was chatting with Brother Gao from the next class, I accidentally discovered that he has two sets of testicles!"

"The world is so vast, nothing is too bizarre! There's a man with two sets of testicles. Hehehe, how terrifying."

The dorm completely fell silent.

Xu Nan's thinking was completely disrupted. For a while, all his sleepiness faded away completely!



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