I'm going to rock someone (1)

The zombies in the main hall had already been alarmed. Xu Nan naturally pulled the little monk and ran!

What a joke, the main force of the team wasn't here. If they started fighting like this, wouldn't they end up being wiped out?

The two of them ran for a while, panting, and finally managed to avoid those rampaging zombies.

"What's going on?"

Xu Nan was puzzled for a moment. In his mind, ah 'kun's appearance before he disappeared suddenly appeared!

A quick-witted idea flashed through his mind-what the--ck-this is also considered-handstand?

Xu Nan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Was this magic mirror poisonous? using one's head to press against the bottom of the bathtub was considered a handstand? But thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem like he could blame the magic mirror. He probably didn't expect that someone would walk with a bathtub on top of their head, right?