Chapter 107-what's the harm in overshadowing the group of beauties?

[ Ron Warlock bloodline awakening special mission ]

[ mission title: although I'm not a girl, what's the harm in being prettier than the rest? ]

[ mission description: as the group leader, you are being provoked by your harem group. Can you bear it? It's time to release the peerless magnificence that you've hidden the deepest in your heart! Cross-dressing young man! ]

[ special restriction 1: complete the cross-dressing trip before the end of Christmas ]

[ special restriction 2: your cross-dressing must be approved by the five women who provoked you. ]

[ mission reward: complete version of the Wei eighteen scattered hands (monk's Secret technique);Opportunity to purify bloodline, 50 shameless points ]

This is too much!

This system had joined forces with these dog group members to bully him!

Xu Nan almost disbanded this temporary group chat in a fit of anger!

It was impossible for him to cross-dress, not in this lifetime.