Qin Lele! the young lady who slipped up

The geographical location of the ward Tosun PLUS was very special. It was stuck at the junction of the Wuyang Lake on earth, the leyers plain in the puluo world, and the territory of a certain feudal lord in the Shadow Realm.

Ever since Xu Nan saw the Shadow Realm's mercenaries, he knew that this Viscount from the countryside named frandy would definitely become a great threat to him.

The strength of a shadower was erratic. Although they were unable to leave the Shadow Realm, they were often able to display abilities that exceeded that of an ordinary professional in the Shadow Realm.

According to Ace's description, Viscount Frances was a 2nd rank professional.

This caused Xu Nan to feel a headache. Even if he had the external cheat of unlimited fate power, he might not be able to win against this fellow.

Xu Nan's first reaction was to slip away.