How does the divine draw spread?

Shirley was stunned for a moment. She looked at Qin Lele and shook her head. She once again directed her fire at Xu Nan.

"In short, you're the most shameless and scumbag I've ever seen! You don't deserve to be in charge of the foster Tosun!"

Xu Nan calmly looked at her,"have you said enough?."

Xue Li stomped her foot,"no!" Everything you've done is for your own sake! You didn't even work hard for the great revival of Yggdrasil! You ..."

"On what basis?"

"What did you say?" Shirley was stunned.

Xu Nan smiled. He sat down and took a sip of tea."I said, on what basis?"

I'm not from your arcane Empire. What does the great revival of hatosang have to do with me? "

"B-but you promised to fulfill the ancient covenant ..." Shirley said angrily.