Are you a God?

Due to all sorts of incidents, Xu Nan had long suspected that this Ron Warlock growth guidance system, which was self-invented by the lost Paradise, was also a counterfeit product.

Now, he was even more certain of this thought!

In any case, he had already tasted the sweetness of writing a report essay, and had thus developed an excellent writing style.A few minutes later, a short essay complaining about the system's random deduction of points was sent to the daily Council.

However, what caught Xu Nan off guard was that this time around, the feedback from the daily meeting was abnormally quick and resolute.

"There is no error in the battle campaign system. Host, please be careful with your words and actions!"

Xu Nan felt vexed.(Yoho, you even know how to resist?)

Just as he was about to send a private message to the chairman, orphie, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

What about the gnomes?