The correct way to use bireger's air splitting palm (1)

At the end of the day's work, Sean rewarded himself with a spicy pan.

This type of food had just been passed down from earth, and the price in Lost Paradise was still relatively expensive.

However, even though it was very expensive, its popularity in Lost Paradise was still shocking-perhaps it was because of the unhealthy trend brought about by the chairman of the Parliament, ofee, who was keen on learning Earth's culture, that everyone was now quite curious about Earth's food.

Even Sean, a senior employee of the alchemy Center in Lost Paradise, had to queue for a long time before he could enjoy a good meal.

As for the [ thirteen fragrances green-skinned crayfish ], which was of a higher grade than the spicy fragrant pot, well, this kind of newly imported dish was probably only qualified to be enjoyed by the top tycoons. The honest Sean did not even dare to think about it!