The weakest demigod in history (2)

One couldn't help but say that the abilities of the nine divisions 'professionals were extraordinary. Faced with' Qin Lele's 'strange attack method, this blade-wielding warrior quickly made a response. He tried to use the weapon in his hand to limit her range of movement. However, in the next second, everyone in the hall suddenly felt an intense wave of muscle powerlessness!

Clang clang clang clang!

Not only did the weapons in their hands fall to the ground, but they also staggered and fell to the ground!

The only two who weren't affected were Xue beicheng and Xu Nan.

"It's a curse!"

Xu Nan glanced at his character summon card and raised his brows.

Fortunately, he had the fate sorceress ability [ immunity to all Diseases ], which was enough to resist most diseases and Curses!

Xue beicheng's expression was very ugly. Although he had also used some method to resist the curse, it seemed like he was having a hard time maintaining it.