Who is the king of debate?

After finishing a magic book, Xu Nan cast [ birege's mixed doubles ] on a magic puppet at the side!

In an instant, a huge fist and a huge palm attacked from the left and right sides. Under the continuous abuse of the mixed doubles, the magic puppet retired with glory.

At that moment, there were at least dozens of gulping sounds.

Xu Nan shrugged. can I continue with my studies? "  

Before the shop assistant and bi bi could regain their senses, Xu Nan started to swallow the second book, then the third, the fourth ...

One had to admit that the Taotie's true colors were truly too powerful.

Xu Nan swallowed 16 magic books in one go before he felt some indigestion.

But it was worth it.

After all, these were sixteen advanced level 2 force field spells!

Of course, this also had to do with the quality of the magic book.