Chain of Garden of Eden islands (1)

Xu Nan was in a very difficult position.

There were three things that people needed to do, and he couldn't let Susie hold it in. Looking at her expression, she had probably held it in for a long time and was feeling very uncomfortable.

Although it was the template of a young god, it had not truly transcended the mortal world. It still had the necessary functions and needs of an organism.

He buried his head and thought hard for a long time, and the more he thought, the more confused he became. Instead, he thought of another profound question:

It seemed that this was the first time Susie had mentioned something related to relieving herself in front of him. Then, how did the three treasures solve the problem in the treasure chest?

Was there a toilet in the treasure chest?

However, he couldn't bring himself to ask Susie this question. After all, the little girl's face was already as red as an Apple.