It's just some normal physiological knowledge _2

"I will not ... After all, I'm a Warlock." Xu Nan smiled,'I just didn't expect that you ... He's so versatile."

Honestly speaking, even Xu Nan himself felt embarrassed when he said this. It was completely within his duty for the flying Bandit to know these skills!

Who knew that in the next second, Qin Lele actually said in a serious tone, "

"No... I don't know any of these!"

"Ha?" Xu Nan thought in his heart, then why are you talking about these skills?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Qin Lele spoke as though it was natural and right. "If you know these scouting skills, I'll give up my position!"

since you can't, I can't either. However, someone has to step forward. You're a delicate spell caster. How can I let you Scout the way!

So it was to protect him. Xu Nan felt a little moved.