The secret of charm (1)

Watching the Elephantmen guards crawl into the sewer facility with great difficulty, the maintenance worker's lips curved into a sweet smile.

His friend poked him in the waist. "Xu Nan, when did you become so good at lying?"

Xu Nan smiled. I'm not lying.

someone did steal the manhole cover. Didn't you steal the manhole cover yourself? "

The captain of the town security was silent. In his heart, he cursed, " f ** k, I'm angry but I don't dare to say it.

Half an hour ago.

The two of them made use of their identities as repairmen to carefully observe the neighborhood around the Golden Tree. Very quickly, Xu Nan found a trace of a clue.

Most of the buildings in this area were church buildings that sang praises of lannis, including a series of clergymen's residences, churches, libraries, squares, and so on.

The most eye-catching thing in the vicinity was a tall statue of lannis.

This statue was called [ lannis the amputated one ].