I want them all (1)

Qin Lele looked at Xu Nan suspiciously. you want to send me away to have fun? "  

Xu Nan touched his nose. no, I'm thinking that you are also a great thief. A thief has to keep up with the times and ensure the acquisition of knowledge.

moreover, this library is so big. If we split up and search, we'll definitely be able to maximize our gains!

Qin Lele coldly laughed and turned to leave.

The female elephantman who had been knocked unconscious followed Qin Lele in a daze. Xu Nan and the other two didn't notice it.

"This guy is so sneaky. One day, I will dig out all your secrets!" The flying Bandit set his heart on his ambitions.

She ignored the little follower behind her and strolled around the bookshelves in the library.

As a thief, Qin Lele clearly didn't have any good feelings towards books. Not long after, she started to feel sleepy.