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Under the moonlight, the great secret realm was shrouded in mist.

However, the fighting became more and more intense, as if a chaotic and unpredictable war could break out at any time.

Sanctuary after sanctuary was awakening. The once divine village was now like an oasis in the desert, targeted by Jiggs 'descendants. The savage and evil minions were trying to taint the last Pure Land of this secret realm.

A sanctuary that could survive until now definitely had some skill.

But after Jiggs's children descended, more and more sanctuaries fell into a bitter battle. They had no choice, there were too many of them.

The fact that the four sons of God, who were below the legendary level, had come out in full force showed the God of War's firm attitude.

This bloody battle seemed to be destined to end with a feast of slaughter for the divine sons.