I've always been afraid of death (Part 2)

Because he had always been afraid of death, it was an unconventional and irrefutable truth to be able to remain firm in the face of temptation.

Xu Nan learned from Liu zhengyi that there was actually a void corridor between the Azure Dreamland and the great secret realm.

As long as he passed through this void corridor, he could freely travel between the two worlds.

Lannis 'choice to hide the existence of this void corridor from him seemed to confirm Mason's words.

No matter what, Xu Nan's current plan was to quickly pull himself out of this. He had accidentally been sucked into such a huge Whirlpool. If he continued to torment himself, who knew when he would drown?

As for Lu honghong ... Xu Nan could only silently pray for the big sister of the thousand awn agency to be safe. After all, in this battle where Immortals were fighting, the things that a mage from earth who had just entered the legendary-realm could do were limited.