It's illegal to pry into other people's privacy

God realms, City of Gold.

the two books were given to the wrong person by chance. This is reasonable for an old man like Mr. Birego.

Mason turned around with a smile, looking very confident.

However, there was no one behind him.

It's lonely to act tough alone.

Hence, he ran over and pulled Qin Lele out from a pile of gold bricks. Under the complaints of the captain, mai Ken reminded, " you've been sleeping with these gold bricks for the whole day. I've said it before, as my chosen one, wealth is just fleeting clouds to you.

He wasn't bragging. Ever since he had cleverly managed the treasure chest business, even the God of Wealth, who was Mason's brother, didn't dare to say that his wealth was greater than his strange brother's.

The chosen one of the God of treasure chests definitely did not lack money.