The vampire and the girl

This time around, Xu Nan was speaking the truth.

Although he was a fate sorceress and had the bloodthirsty sword aroye in his hand, he didn't think of himself as the only Savior.

The plot pattern in Hollywood movies was a joke in reality.

This world didn't belong to one person, but to everyone.

The earth was about to be destroyed, and one person had to save it? You must be joking!

There were so many people in the real world. Why did they think that they were the only ones who had a fortuitous encounter and were qualified to save the world?

Xu Nan was very clear that he only needed to protect the Azure Dreamland.

This place was the foundation of earth and had great influence. He was willing to hand over the other matters to others, to Lu honghong, to the thousand awn agency, to those low-profile comrades of his who already possessed extraordinary strength.

He believed that these people existed.