Sorry, it's my throne now

The sky of the blue Dreamland collapsed.

At the place where it collapsed, a space crack was formed. Everyone stared at the crack, afraid that a terrifying astral beast would fall out-there had been such a precedent in the history of the multiverse.

However, to their surprise, what fell out of it were not humans or beasts, but a bunch of curses.

"Pono, f * ck you! Eat my anti-magic divine spell!"

"F * ck off, Jiggs. Your brain structure is more primitive than a Paramecium. All you do all day is mate. If he knew about your current behavior, do you believe that the ancient God of War would climb out of the tomb and throw you back into his testicles?"

"Hehehehe ... You, the remnants of the arcane Empire, can't even curse, what kind of men are you? You old thing that even sold your daughter, you piece of trash!"

"Get lost your mother ..."

Uncouth vulgarities came from the spatial Rift.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.