Mage towers and whatnot are too dangerous

The cyberlon family controlled the economic lifeline of wildfire city.

One of the most important external sources of income was Theron wine.Every year, a large amount of Theron wine was transported from the eastern port of banto to to the sea salt islands and then distributed to the South.

These passenger ships would also bring enough food from the South.

This was the capital that wildfire city relied on to survive.

Theron wine was actually not a wine in the strict sense of the word. Although it had an alcohol-type effect that made people feel as if they were floating, there was no alcohol in its composition, and it was said that the brewing process had not been fermented.

It was more like an alcoholic drink. Ordinary people who drank Theron would feel a strong sense of pleasure, but their thoughts would become very clear and their minds would be very calm. They even felt like they were close to God.