Mage Tower construction Manual _1

Emma's dance was very fast, and under the shine of the White gem, she looked like a light Fairy.

Not long after, a bright ray of light shot out from the arched door and shone on her and the doll. The next second, the two of them quickly disappeared.

The remaining people looked at each other. Some of them seemed to want to say something, but at this moment, a violent trembling sound came from the ground!

The powerful seal would not last much longer.

Xu Nan cast a glance at the layer of film that was already dim and lightless, and he knew that his three-legged cat-like spells were basically unable to block the attacks of that violent aberration.

Although they had the protection of the courage domain, the adventurers obviously could not remain calm under the gaze of the suspected God of blood for a long time.

Xu Nan also no longer hesitated. He beckoned to grey.

"You, come over."

Grey was stunned for a moment, and then his face immediately showed great joy!