You shouldn't have such an IQ _2

Banes cast a glance at grey. The latter's expression was a little stiff. However, under Xu Nan's signal, he still silently left.

However, the gaze he had when he left was clearly warning Xu Nan that he had to tell him everything that had happened.

Xu Nan pretended not to see it.

"It's not a complicated matter."

Banes rubbed his temples and gently placed a contract on the table.

"It's just that there are a few more clowns making things more complicated."

Xu Nan glanced at the contract. The content inside was roughly an agreement that Xu Nan and Banes had made earlier.The agreement regarding the production and sale of Theron wine in wildfire city.

He tapped his fingers on the contract and pretended to be unhappy.

"I don't want to be used by others while I'm still confused, or I'll be poisoned again."

Banes's expression turned slightly cold.

"I promise there won't be any more poison kills. That was just an accident."