I can't hold on any longer _1

Outside a somewhat desolate tower.

Charles, who was dressed, looked at the trembling guards silently.

They seemed to be at a loss. Perhaps someone had secretly informed his ambitious son, or perhaps someone had begun to repent for their past crimes ... But he didn't care.

He knew, and only he knew, the source of all this evil.

it's time to eradicate that cancer ...

He steadily began to put on all kinds of equipment for himself-the tattooed warrior did not solely rely on the power of the tattoos of his ancestors. In fact, as a veteran warrior for many years, Charles knew better than anyone else the value of equipment.

For example, his ancestor's battle axe was a powerful weapon even in the legendary stage. Unfortunately, the cyberlon family had not produced a legendary character for many years, so it seemed to be covered in dust over the years.

It was time for the glory of the ancestors to shine on this barren but stubborn land again.