Is the signal bad?

it doesn't cost money anyway. Just trust me a little ...

Fine, Xu Nan couldn't be bothered to mock the cunning mentality of his fellow countrymen.

Being reasonable, this way, he would feel more at ease.

After all, he didn't wish to become a God that was worshipped by others. To some people, this might be something they yearned for, but to Xu Nan, it was a very troublesome and uncomfortable matter.

It could only be said that it wasn't easy to change the mindset that had been cultivated since childhood.

Xu Nan pulled Panther Tang over and asked in a soft voice, "

"Thousand awn agency ... Hmm, the country allowed personal worship? Are you guys breaking the law?"

"There's no relevant regulation for now, and everyone is still trying to figure it out," said Tang haibao after some thought.