Ex-girlfriend (1)

Wildfire city, twin moon square.

Dark clouds covered the night sky, and only deep scarlet eyes watched everyone.

Everyone's body stiffened, and even their consciousness slowed down.

When Xu Nan realized this, he immediately took measures!

[ domain-courage ]!

Taking advantage of the fourth day, when earth and puluo world were still fusing and the Azure dreamscape could still be of use, Xu Nan decisively activated the courage domain he obtained from his talent of lolicon.

An invisible five-colored domain slowly spread out. Under the support of the courage domain, everyone finally recovered.

"What's going on?"

"Where's Banes?"

Xu Nan ran over and asked.

The scene didn't seem to have gone out of control. It seemed that the pair of red eyes hadn't been there for a long time. He couldn't help but sigh in relief.

After all, he was the one who had brought these students over. If anything were to happen to them, he would definitely not be able to bear it.