Yu nanxi's bag (2)

His attitude of letting others do whatever they wanted seemed to surprise Charles.

He thought he had figured out the root of the curse, but his ancestor's attitude made things even more confusing.

"What other secrets do you have?"

many years ago, " Charles said coldly, " cyberlos was the pride of the North, the Overlord of wildfire city.

it's because you were deceived by star spirit Riel, and you signed an ignorant contract with her. You obtained a power that didn't belong to you, a power that didn't belong to the tattooed warrior. That's why you could break through the limits of your talent and become an eternal legend!

and the price is that the descendants of cyberlos must listen to star spirit Riel's orders and produce the harmful Theron wine for her ... This drink is destructive to Wizards. All spellcasters will get addicted to it and eventually lose control, turning into living corpses in the swamp!"