Xu Nan's fiancée (2)

[ f-ck you, son of-b-tch-f-cking Mason! ] This was his true inner monologue.

your most loyal supporter is here to pray for your good fortune. Qin Lele lowered her head.

[ your dad is here shouting for you! ]

please give me an opportunity full of variables!

[ transfer the money! ]

The girl's clasped hands suddenly spread open, and a light golden divine spell flashed.

[ divine spell-treasure chest summoning ]!

This was a divine spell unique to the chosen of the God of treasure chests, and it could summon a treasure chest specially made by Mason!

According to the different Divine Art treasure chests, the prayer would also be different. Qin Lele wanted to escape the White Day divine Palace, so she prayed for the [ opportunity treasure chest ].

As an chosen, she could pray for ten opportunity treasure chests every week.

However, what he would get would depend on his luck.

Very quickly, ten small and exquisite treasure chests appeared beside Qin Lele.