Zero times and countless times _1

That voice was very familiar and pleasing to the ear, causing Xu Nan to be unable to recall it.

However, those who could hide from Xu Nan and Qin Lele's perception and sneak into the city Lord Manor were naturally not ordinary characters.

Very quickly, a red-robed figure passed through the curtain. Under the astonished gazes of Xu Nan and Qin Lele, that beautiful woman actually climbed in through the window!

Her entire movement didn't match her elegant and beautiful dress.

"Senior Jiang?" Xu Nan was both surprised and delighted.

"It's you, you bad woman!" "Why didn't you use the main entrance?" Qin Lele had a look of wariness on her face.

Jiang yuanci tidied her clothes and was silent for a moment. "Wasn't that a door?"

"That's the window!" Qin Lele said angrily.

Jiang yuanci acknowledged and muttered to herself, " I was wondering why the threshold of this door was so high ...

Xu Nan was speechless.

Qin Lele was speechless.