It's still a familiar smell (1)

The next day, in the city Lord's mansion, in the meeting hall.

Xu Nan gathered all the job-holders on earth for a rare meeting.

Leopard Tang was sitting at the seat closest to him, showing off his special status.

During this period of time, these job-holders from the thousand awn agency had made great contributions in maintaining order in wildfire city. Although they were doing this for the reward from the magic net, Xu Nan was still very grateful to them.

There weren't many of them, only eleven of them, including Panther Tang. After all, most of them had chosen to return to their families.

Most of the people who stayed behind had their own stories.

However, Xu Nan didn't care.

Those who stayed behind were his true brothers. They were also the talents that Xu Nan would use in his future grand plan.

He spent more than an hour explaining the situation in the eastern Kingdom and the direction of wildfire city's development.