I suspect you're cheating (1)

[Ron Warlock temporary bloodline awakening mission (abstinent characteristic)]

[mission title: things will reverse when they reach an extreme!]

[ mission description: as the name suggests, the principle that things will reverse when they reach an extreme can be true in any situation. You, who have been suppressed for a long time, must be eager to release it to your heart's content, right? [ in your blood, you can no longer suppress the instinctive desire. Please act boldly ... ]

[ mission objective: master-level or above in related knowledge and theories ]

At first glance, Xu Nan thought that the abstinent characteristic had changed his character. But after taking a closer look, it actually required him to improve his theoretical knowledge by leaps and bounds. Such a perverted requirement truly caused him to have mixed feelings.

I have to be abstinent and learn theoretical knowledge ...