You are really a great musician (1)

Zura's question caused Xu Nan to sink into a deep silence. However, at the next second, this extremely solemn-looking leader of the ratfolk suddenly relaxed and added, "

“.. Of course, from another perspective, this might not be a bad thing."

at least now, the itka ratfolk complain about the metal sounds in your city's mine when they sleep, not the terrifying ravings and chants.

Xu Nan's eyelids slightly lifted. Was she finally getting to the main point?

He had always been curious about the background of the devil Zura had mentioned.

Although he had Lost Paradise as his backing, the information in Xu Nan's hands didn't state the ownership of the mysterious force near the green gem Mine. Even Mr. Smith, who had remarkable abilities, didn't say anything in detail about this. Xu Nan also felt embarrassed to look for Romand for every matter.