All credit is fleeting clouds (1)

The embryo of fate? What was this thing?

Xu Nan instantly felt a little confused.

He remembered that he had only given John a few scales. Even if these scales were extraordinary, they shouldn't be related to embryos, right?

However, he quickly changed his mind and revealed a look of excitement.

John and his cousin Sean were probably the kind of people who didn't like to joke, were very upright, and were a bit of a stickler for rules.

Since he had come to find him, he must have come to a conclusion from his research!

When he thought of this, in order to prevent John from seeing through his ignorance, Xu Nan coughed and pretended to continue drinking water.

"It seems like you guys aren't too slow."

John's body trembled, and his eyes trembled as if he had thought of something.

you already knew about the embryo of fate ... You're helping me on purpose?"