Substitute boy (3)

Of course, his trump card was his unchanging good looks!

All in all, in this case, he was half-forced and had been actively chosen to become a desire Apostle.

However, he was still worried about the pink Book.

He decided to ask his teacher for help.

"Pink Book? I've heard a little about it. " After Romand heard Xu Nan's description, he revealed a curious expression.

Xu Nan gave her the pink Book.

Romand subconsciously took it.

The next second, in the depths of the dark Universe, a new round of universe-destroying rays was brewing!


Lost Paradise's automatic defense system was activated, and it forcefully withstood the damage from this wave of destruction rays!

But even so, this sudden attack had alarmed many people.

Almus, who was on duty, looked into the depths of the universe and frowned.

"An attack of this level?"

"It can't be just one wave, right?"