Grey tower's Administrative Officer (1)

Mr. Smith jumped nimbly to the second floor of the gray tower and casually sized up the silent figures inside. He replied, ""Almost?"

"Almost the same?" The red-robed bald man frowned in dissatisfaction."My colleagues and I don't like such an inaccurate way of saying things."

Mr. Smith shrugged his shoulders in a very human-like manner. whether the so-called agreed time has arrived or not, it still depends on whether he is willing ...

He glanced at Xu Nan, who had a dumbfounded look on his face. After that, he felt himself being surrounded by a group of red-robed Baldies!

"Is that him?" The leader of the group let out a low, excited, and puzzled voice.

"You're the son of heaven's mandate who fought bravely against the gods of puluo?" The other red-robed man's voice was even lower, and the atmosphere became even more indescribable.

please make up your mind. Hiring us will be the best choice you've ever made in your life!