A new pet (3)

Just when Xu Nan was surveying his new pet, the goose seemed to have a very clear understanding of its identity.

It kept on puffing out its chest in front of Xu Nan. Occasionally, it would flap its wings and let out soft sounds.

Through the fluctuations of the pet contract, Xu Nan could partially understand its intentions.

Was it showing off its chest muscles to Xu Nan?

"You want me to give you some work to do?"

"You can do it well?"

Xu Nan was somewhat delighted to discover that although this goose couldn't speak human language like soupy, its intelligence seemed to be very high. It could actually understand Xu Nan's words!

The goose nodded, showing the proud expression it had in the beginning.

Xu Nan thought for a moment and was about to say some words of comfort, indicating for his new pet to calm down.

Suddenly, the lost Paradise's system automatically flashed a notification-

[ unknown creature detected, scanning the internal database ... ]