Blood elf.1

"It's young master mi Lun!"

"Didn't he claim to be sick? Didn't you say you wouldn't be attending the celebration?"

look at him, he's so weak. He's not as strong as atsam. How can such a person be a true descendant of the atsam family? "

The crowd was in a heated discussion.

In the shadows of the backstage, an old man was pushing a wheelchair, slowly pushing a pale-faced young man up.

His eyelids were swollen, and he looked like he had not slept enough. He was sickly and bloodless.He was covered in thick animal skin, but his thin body was still twitching uncontrollably.

Even with the heat from the two inextinguishable flames, he looked like he could fall at any time.

Such a person did not fit the image of the hero atsam.

Xu Nan noticed that compared to the discussions in the public square, the aristocrats in the VIP seats seemed to be more restrained.

They might not think highly of [ young master mi Lun ], but at least they did not show it so directly.