I've found a fat sheep _2

Geralt was very patient, meticulous, and serious. He didn't have much desire and was a very pure guy.

In quellas's eyes, he was not fit to fight at all.

So, under quellas's arrangement, Geralt went to wildfire city and became a quiet little priest. In fact, there was nothing wrong with quellas 'approach. More than twenty years had passed in the blink of an eye, and Geralt was still a low-level Holy master in his middle age. He had a good life in wildfire city.

Quellas believed that this was the best situation.

However, he didn't expect that for some reason, he was being watched, and those people somehow dug out Geralt's relationship.

It stood to reason that quellas was the only one who knew that Geralt was his child. He had never told anyone else.

This was quellas 'most panicked and anxious part.

If the other party even knew such secret information, then his plan would definitely have no chance of winning.

"I can't give them the drum of time."